
Let the chaos take over! 

As you grow your massive drug-selling empire in Schedule 1, you will inevitably need firearms to protect yourself from the law enforcement authorities and junkies. The best way to get weapons is by visiting the Weapon Dealer. 

The Weapon Dealer is hard to reach as he’s locked behind the challenging task of earning $10,000 by selling drugs. You can use your dealer to assist you in reaching the goal faster. After you complete it, you can start the Wretched Hive of Scum and Villany challenge before getting a call from Uncle Nelson leading you to the Warehouse. 

How to unlock the Weapon Dealer in Schedule 1

To unlock the Weapon Dealer in Schedule 1, make your way to the Warehouse near Taco Ticklers. Walk past the Skating Ring, use the stairs to go down, and find a red door to the Warehouse. Knock on the door, and a shady man from inside will check if you have enough fame in the world of drug-dealing or just tell you to go away.

While the game doesn’t tell you the exact requirement to unlock the door, you need to reach the Hoodium V rank. The easiest way to level is by selling products to your customers and sleeping on your bed to earn XP. Once you have enough XP, you will reach the rank and unlock the Warehouse as a reward.

Return to the Warehouse when you’re the appropriate rank, and the door should open automatically. It’s only open from 6pm to 6am, so you won’t be able to open the building’s door if you don’t come during that window. Enter the building and turn left to find Stan. The Weapon Dealer should have a table with firearms in front of him. 

He has a variety of melee and ranged weapons for you to wreak havoc on your turf and take down cops trying to damage your reputation. He also sells ammo for the weapons. You won’t be able to purchase everything on your first visit, even if you have the money, because every weapon and ammo unlocks at a specific rank.

Apart from the Weapon Dealer, you should also find the fixer and merchant, who will help you get employees and high-level chemistry equipment to take your business to the next level.  

How to get weapons using console commands in Schedule 1

If you’re just an agent of chaos and want to have fun with various guns without progressing too much into the game, this method could be for you. Install MelonLoader and some other mods to get access to the console. After that, you can use a console command by pressing F8 on your keyboard and writing “give weaponname.” You can write any weapon that the Weapon Dealer sells and get them immediately in your inventory without reaching that rank. 

Next, read our guides to learn about moving your furniture and get seeds in Schedule 1.

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