Season 24 of Apex Legends means another round of upgrades changing in the game. The perks associated with Evo upgrades remain crucial to how strong a legend is, and Takeover has a few surprises in store.
Along with sweeping changes to Apex‘s assault class, legends like Ash and Ballistic got some significant buffs, part of which came through new upgrades that they received in season 24. If you want to know how best to build your favorite legend this season, read on.
All season 24 legend upgrades in Apex Legends
As has been the case since upgrades were introduced, players get to select one of two upgrades when they level their shields up to level two (Blue) and three (Purple). You cannot have two upgrades of the same level at the same time, and once you make an upgrade choice, you can’t change it for the rest of that match.
Level Two
- Ringmaster: Gain access to Ring Consoles.
- Void Vision: Extend highlights and see health bars after exiting tactical.
Level Three
- Multidimensional (New to season 24): Gives second ult charge and allows two Void Nexuses to exist at the same time.
- Tactical Cooldown+: Reduce tactical cooldown by 10 seconds.
Level Two
- Dual Breach (New to season 24): Phase Breach ultimate now gets two charges.
- Greedy Snare: Arc Snare duration is tripled and can catch multiple enemies.
Level Three
- Ghost in the Machine (New to season 24): Dash passive now gets two charges.
- Twin Snares: Gain an Arc Snare charge.
Level Two
- Killing Time (New to season 24): Increase ult duration 15 seconds.
- Lasting Bullet: Smart Bullet duration is tripled.
- Smart Bullet and Overheat effect lasts for 24 seconds instead of eight.
Level Three
- Extra Bullet (Buffed in season 24): Double your smart bullet charge (max four shots).
- Quiet Time (New to season 24): If the enemy hit by Whistler overheats, they will be silenced for a short time.
Level Two
- Tactical Cooldown: Reduce tactical cooldown by five seconds.
- Ultimate Cooldown+: Reduce ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds.
- Rolling Thunder cooldown decreased from 240 seconds to 180 seconds.
Level Three
- Cover Me: Auto-Ping enemies who trigger Double Time.
- Refuge: Regen HP while inside Smoke.
- Regen works like Octane’s Swift Mend at 3.5 HP per second.
Level Two
- Raven’s Blessing: White Ravens charge ultimate by 20 percent when activated.
- Reduces 36 seconds from Beast of the Hunt’s 180-second charge time.
- Odin’s Glare: Double the duration of tactical’s full-body highlight.
- Increased from one second to two seconds.
Level Three
- Sighthound: Reduce tactical cooldown by 50 percent while ultimate is active.
- Reduces 12 seconds from Eye of the Allfather’s 25-second cooldown.
- Flock: Remove enemy range requirement for White Raven spawns.
Level Two
- Long Veil: Increase Spike throw range by 40 percent.
- Length increased to 55m from 40m.
- Sister Spikes: Increase max number of active Spikes by one.
- Max number of active Spikes increased from two to three.
Level Three
- Ferro-Door: Fully rebuild and reinforce missing doors with Passive.
- Resilient Veil: Increase ultimate lifetime by five seconds.
- Lifetime increased to 20 seconds from 15 seconds.
Observant players will note that Catalyst’s level three upgrades revert the season 20 nerfs to Dark Veil, but they can only choose one aspect of its former glory.
Level Two
- Parabolic Force: Increase tactical throw range by 75 percent.
- Residual Toxins: Nox Vision persists for longer.
Level Three
- Breathe It In: Regenerate HP while enveloped in Nox Gas.
- Regenerate HP like Octane’s Swift Mend
- Particle Diffuser: Increase ultimate area of effect by 50 percent.
Level Two
- Battpack: Plus one to battery stack limit. See battery count of death boxes.
- Bigger Jam: Each ultimate jammer’s damage radius increased by 10 percent.
Level Three
- Split Charge: Gain a tactical charge but halve shield regen duration.
- Decreased shield regen from eight seconds to four seconds.
- Radiant Transfer: Increase tactical range by 10 meters.
Level Two
- Network Expansion: Passive and ult range increased by 25 percent.
- Surveillance Drone now detects from a 37.5m distance instead of 30m.
- EMP now affects all players in a 37.5m radius instead of 30m
- Off the Grid: Crypto cloaks when in drone.
- Creates an audible cloaked sound effect, like the Surveillance Drone’s buzzing for nearby enemies.
- Threat Vision related skills will not reveal Crypto.
Level Three
- Hackathon: Double drone recharge rate; gain speed boost when it explodes.
- Recharge time reduced from 40 seconds to 20 seconds.
- 30 percent speed boost, like Bangalore’s Double Time.
- Satellite Imagery: Drone scan persists for 1.5 seconds. Ult now scans any enemies hit for four seconds, tracking through walls.
Level Two
- Scar Tissue: Take less damage and ignore slow effects from The Motherlode.
- Ringmaster: Gain access to Ring Consoles.
Level Three
- Wreckless: Take 50 percent less explosive damage.
- Knuckle Hustler: Short speed boost on successful Knuckle Cluster hit.
- 30 percent speed boost, like Bangalore’s Double Time.
Level Two
- Big Bruddah: Increase ult radius by 20 percent.
- Fast Shotties: Moves faster with shotguns. Auto-reload shotguns on knocks.
Level Three
- Baby Bubble: Reduce tactical size and cooldown by 25 percent.
- Size reduced from six meters to 4.5 meters.
- Cooldown reduced from 30 seconds to 22.5 seconds.
- Bubble Bunker: Increase tactical lifetime by four seconds.
- Dome of Protection lasts for 16 seconds instead of 12 seconds.
Level Two
- Battpack: Plus shield battery stack limit. Shield battery count shown above deathboxes.
- Big Bang: See nearby ordinance through walls and on death boxes.
Level Three
- Tactical Cooldown: Reduced tactical cooldown by five seconds. (30 seconds to 25 seconds)
- Ultimate Cooldown: Reduce ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds. (210 seconds to 180 seconds)
Level Two
- Extended Flight: Increase time before D.O.C. runs out of glide fuel by 1.5 seconds.
- Battpack: Plus shield battery stack limit. Shield battery count shown above deathboxes.
Level Three
- Enhanced Radio: Increase distance you can assign D.O.C. to teammates from by 50 percent.
- Tactical Cooldown+: Reduce tactical cooldown by 10 seconds.
Level Two
- Shopping Spree: Loba can take an extra item from Black Markets.
- Wolf’s Claws: faster weapon draw and speed boost after translocating.
Level Three
- Escape Artist: After translocating, regenerate 50 shields.
- Brand New Bag: Grants entire squad gold backpacks when upgrade is selected.
Mad Maggie
Level Two
- Fire Ball: Wrecking Ball catches fire and explodes in thermite.
- Shots Shots Shots: Auto-reload shotguns on knock.
Level Three
- Big Drill: Increase depth and width of tactical by 50 percent.
- Drillslinger: Gain a Riot Drill charge; reduce active duration by 25 percent.
- Each Riot Drill lasts for six seconds instead of eight seconds.
Level Two
- Boozle-Eye: Successful bamboozles also highlight enemies for short time.
- Renaissance Man: Can now use Survey Beacons, Ring Consoles, Munition Boxes, and scan Care Packages.
Level Three
- Bamboozle Bonus: Refresh tactical on successful bamboozles.
- Can trigger from Life of the Party decoys.
- Me Two: Gain a decoy charge (can have both active at once)
- Pressing the interaction key allows Mirage to control both at the same time.
Level Two
- Swift Shield: Increase Mobile Shield speed to weapon sprint speed, reduces cooldown by eight seconds.
- Hero’s Hustle: Increase revive move speed.
Level Three
- Ultimate Savior: Castle Wall slam grants 15 seconds of shield regen to each ally in impact area.
- Stronghold: +500 Castle Wall HP; extend energized barrier duration to three minutes.
Level Two
- Thick Skin: Take five less Stim damage. (20 health to 15 health)
- Mad Hops: Gain an extra Launch Pad charge.
Level Three
- Airborne Agility: Change directions with the Launch Pad double-jump.
- Thick Skin: Take five less Stim damage.
Level Two
- Field Research: Gain access to Survey Beacons.
- Ringmaster: Gain access to Ring Consoles.
Pathfinder’s Insider Knowledge Passive will reward 50 percent ultimate charge and a permanent 15-second ultimate cooldown when scanning either Survey Beacons or Ring Consoles with the level two legend upgrade.
Level Three
- Down and Away: Grapple cooldown resets on knock.
- Will refresh on both knocks and assisted knocks within a three second window.
- Zipline Zen: Take 25 percent less damage when riding energized Ziplines.
- Ziplines created from Pathfinder’s ultimate are energized for their first 30 seconds upon creation.
Level Two
- Bandolier: Carry extra ammo per stack.
- Ultimate Cooldown: Reduce ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds.
- Ultimate reduced from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
Level Three
- Amped Reloads: Reload faster with Sheila or when behind Amped Cover.
- Reloading is 50 percent faster while Amped Cover’s wall is up.
- Ramped Up: Improved Mobile Sheila handling and spin-up time by 20 percent.
- Move at standard walking speed when firing/ADS with Sheila.
- Spin-up time reduced from 1.25 seconds to one second.
Level Two
- Ultimate Cooldown: Reduce ultimate cooldown by 30 seconds.
- 120 seconds to 90 seconds.
- Murder Machine: Call out the number of squads within 150 meters after a squad wipe.
Level Three
- Tactical Cooldown: Reduce tactical cooldown by five seconds.
- Grim Leaper: Shadow Pounce cooldown resets on knock.
- Will refresh on both knocks and assisted knocks within a three second window.
Level Two
- Artist’s Reach: Increase the throw range of Ultimate by 20 meters.
- Increased from 15m to 35m.
- Ultimate Cooldown: Reduce ultimate cooldown by 20 percent.
Level Three
- Long View: Increase passive and tactical range to 75m.
- Heart Seeker increased from 50m to 75m.
- Focus of Attention increased from 60m to 75m.
- Split Focus: Gain a tactical charge, but decrease silence duration by 50 percent.
- Silence duration reduced from eight seconds to four seconds.
For those following along closely, if you level up Seer, you can reverse two of the previous nerfs that sent his pickrate straight into the dirt.
Level Two
- Afterburners: Launch 15 percent higher with Skyward Dive.
- Full Coverage: Widen Missile Swarm from 4×3 to 3×5.
Level Three
- Eyes in the Sky: Enemies are revealed from farther away and through walls while skydiving.
- Full Tank: Increase Jetpack fuel by 25 percent.
Level Two
- Ringmaster: Gain access to Ring Consoles.
- Ultimate Reload: Ultimate Accelerants grant two more bullets.
- Ultimate Accelerants provide four bullets instead of two upon use.
Level Three
- Bat Bounce: Improve tactical’s double-jump.
- Sharpshooter: Refresh tactical on hits with ultimate.
Level Two
- Falling Stars: Pylon interceptions spawn Arc Stars at its base.
- Enemy attacks only.
- 1.5 second cooldown between spawns.
- Arc Stars must be picked up before more than five can be spawned.
- Revive Expert: Revive teammates faster and with health regen to full health.
Level Three
- Power Pylon: Double ultimate’s HP and placed ultimates regain charge.
- Increased from 150 HP to 300 HP.
- Emergency Power: Doubles ult shield generator rate and capacity.
- Restore one shield every 0.1 seconds instead of 0.2 seconds.
- Pylon can now recharge 500 shields, shared between all legends, instead of 250.
Level Two
- Ultimate Cooldown+: Reduced ultimate cooldown by 60 seconds (180 seconds to 120 seconds)
- Sixth Sense: Passive triggers when nearby squad count increases.
Level Three
- Tactical Cooldown: Reduce tactical cooldown by five seconds (25 seconds to 20 seconds)
- Fast Phase: Reduce tactical wind-up by 20 percent (1.25 seconds to one second).
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