You have to play one of these before they get nerfed.
The Race to World First is over, and with Team Liquid’s outstanding performance, two classes stood out from the rest. The classes are none other than Monks and Mages—and players now fear nerfs are coming.
Two classes appeared time and time again in Liquid’s Race to World First win. This caught the attention of many, and a discussion started in a March 17 Reddit thread caused an avalanche of comments on how broken Monks and Mages currently are in WoW Undermine(d).
If the recent Race to World First Liberation of Undermine showed us anything, Monks and Mages are absolutely broken right now. They are so strong in the Undermine(d) patch that Team Liquid used more than five Monks during the raid.
It’s a well-known fact that every season in WoW has a couple of classes that simply outshine others, and while it’s nice to see the return of Monks after so much time, many players fear their reign won’t last long.
“There is no way they let Monks be good for more than a few weeks, sadly. Prepare for the worst,” a player commented on WoW’s subreddit.
Monks are so good in the Liberation of Undermine raid because their mobility helps them deal with raid mechanics easily. Monk’s transcendence is extremely valuable in this raid as it allows them to escape cage mechanics on Mug’zee, and all three specializations are currently top-tier. But what about Mages?
“Don’t know if fire mage should be nerfed. I’ve playing with one for the last week and holy fuck this shit is hard,” another player commented on WoW’s subreddit.
While Monks are undoubtedly the most broken class currently, it seems Fire Mages can only be on par with them. But Fire Mage has a high skill ceiling, so it’s a high-risk, high-reward class. Although Mages should remain unchanged, it’s only a matter of time before Blizzard nerfs Monks, so I’d suggest you abuse them while you can.
Read the full article here
Published: Mar 17, 2025 09:09 am