
I really can’t help myself when I stumble across a giant valuable in R.E.P.O. that has a glorious $20K price tag on it. I know I’m not strong enough to carry it alone, but I’ll give it a good go so long as the Indestructible Drone is by my side.

Here’s everything you need to know about the Indestructible Drone in R.E.P.O.: its function, cost, and whether you should use it in your valuable runs.

Where to get the Indestructible Drone in R.E.P.O.

Costing between $26K-$28K, the Indestructible Drone randomly spawns inside the Service Station. This shop is found in between each level, but you must hit the Taxman’s quota from the level before to get here. You cannot guarantee this Drone will spawn in, however you can return to the Main Menu and Load Game to rotate the available stock, increasing the likelihood that the Indestructible Drone appears.

R.E.P.O. Indestructible Drone use

Handle with(out) care. Video by Dot Esports

Even if you’re playing with a full squad, the Indestructible Drone can save you a lot of trouble on valuables that have strange side effects. It is particularly useful on the Cursed Doll, Fragile Box, and Music Box. It’s not limited to these valuables, either. You can use the Indestructible Drone on any valuable. Equip the Drone with your assigned inventory key (1, 2, or 3), move it to the valuable you want it to protect, and press “E” to activate. Once activated, the Drone will save your valuables from taking damage. It protects them if dropped or knocked into surfaces.

The Indestructible Drone is a must if you’re braving rounds beyond level five. As the maps change drastically to include more complexity, be it from environmental hazards, death drops, or stairwells and beams leading directly to the extraction point, you need something like the Indestructible Drone to transfer larger valuables. Most heavy objects are placed near doors, staircases, or on another floor, far from the next extraction point. Moving this on your own is near impossible, even with Strength Upgrades. But the Indestructible Drone makes life significantly easier.

You can also use it on smaller, fragile items like the green cup and plate, as these valuables are incredibly easy to break. The Indestructible Drone means you can run around with loot without the risk of it dropping and breaking when a monster is pursuing you.

The Drone, just like every other item (aside from throwables) has a charge bar. This means once emptied, it will no longer be functional. You will need a Recharge Drone or Energy Crystals for the Charging Station to fill the Indestructible Drone’s charge bar once again.

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