The Ultra League competition is now available in Pokémon Go, allowing you to test your teams against other players. For those looking to create unique teams, a handful of Pokémon choices stand out above the rest.
The teams you make are comprised of three Pokémon. Which ones you can choose and how you use them can be the defining factors of your battle, as you have to think on your feet and carefully read your opponent. Slugging it out in a fight might not be the best approach, as swapping between your choices and choosing when to use a shield will always matter. To help give you ideas for your custom teams, here are some of the best Pokémon you can use in Pokémon Go‘s Ultra League.
The best Pokémon in Pokémon Go’s Ultra League
For the Ultra League, you are only allowed to use three Pokémon. These cannot be stronger than 2,500 CP, which partially limits your choices, but not too much. You should expect not to use too many Legendary or Mythical Pokémon for these battles. Instead, you’ll rely on the stats and movesets of some of your favorites.
We have a full breakdown of some of our favorite teams to use in Pokémon Go for those looking for great team-ups. These feature the three Pokémon you want to use alongside each other and what attacks they should know to do the most damage.
If you’re looking to find a specific Pokémon to add to your Ultra League team, these are some of our favorite choices you can use in Pokémon Go.
Corviknight remains one of the best Pokémon you can use in the Ultra League. It has high defense and health, making it difficult for an opponent to defeat it. Plus, because it’s a Steel type, it’s resistant against multiple attacks that forces your opponent to rely on Electric or Fire-type attacks to do the most damage against it.
The problem with Corviknight is that it doesn’t have a strong, fast move, meaning you have to use it as your last Pokémon. You can try using it as your first, but you’ll likely struggle against an opponent. You want to use it as your final choice and fill out your team with those strong against Electric and FIre types.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Corviknight | Flying and Steel type | Attack: 140 Defense: 163 Health: 186 |
Sand Attack (fast move), Sky Attack, and Iron Head |
The next Pokémon we recommend you use is Feraligatr, a Water-type Pokémon. Unlike many Pokémon on this list, Feraligatr only has single typing, which makes up for this with incredible attack power. What gives it an advantage against opponents is its robust moveset, with a powerful, fast move that is difficult to protect against and even better charged moves.
There are two ways you can use Feraligatr. You can use it as your final Pokémon, but we’d recommend going with the shadow version you can catch from Team Rocket. However, you can use the standard version, keeping its basic stats, and then you’d want to use it as your first Pokémon for your team. The shadow Feraligatr might be better, but you do risk it having lower defenses.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Ferligatr | Water type | Attack: 159 Defense: 150 Stamina: 162 |
Shadow Claw (fast move), Hydro Cannon, and Ice Beam |
Galarian Weezing
Galarian Weezing is another interesting choice you could add to a team competing in the Ultra League. I find Galarian Weezing a fantastic option because it has access to Fairy and Dark-type moves, making it ideal for fighting against several notable Pokémon that frequently appear in this competition. Because of its stats, it’s another great Pokémon to use as your last choice, surprising your opponent.
You’ll want to be careful when facing off against Talonflame and Skeledirge, as these are direct counters to Galarian Weezing as it’s a Poison and Fairy types. Some great partners to use alongside Galarian Weezing include Feraligatr, Lapras,Bombirdier, Cobalion, and Corviknight. Another downside is you’ll likely have to use XL Candy to level up Galarian Weezing enough to become a threat in the Ultra League.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Galarian Weezing | Poison and Fairy type | Attack: 154 Defense: 175 Health: 147 |
Fairy Wind (fast move), Brutal Swing, and Sludge |
Although Gastrodon is not as defensive as other choices on this list, it’s a fantastic attack, and a good addition to several teams when you’re worried about fighting against Skeledirge, Annihilape, or Feraligatr. It’s a Water and Ground type capable of being the first Pokémon you use against an opponent, with a strong moveset that can lay down early pressure, potentially drawing out a shield or two.
Like other Water and Ground types, Gastrodon is extremely weak to Grass-type attacks. This is the only weakness it has, but if your opponent has a Pokémon that use these attacks, it’s all over for Gastrodon, and there’s little you can do about it other than swapping it out.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Gastrodon | Water and Ground type | Attack: 150 Defense: 129 Health: 213 |
Mud Slap (fast move), Body Slam, and Earth Power |
A surprising addition to this list is Grumpig, a Pokémon that did not have any use at all at the beginning of 2025. The developers at Pokémon Go changed this by moving movesets around and adding additional attacks to Grumpig’s list. Now, it’s a reasonable choice with a respectable attacks. It always had decent stats, and now it can use attacks to become a serious threat.
If you add Grumpig to your team, it will be weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type attacks, frequently appearing in the Ultra League. You’ll want to watch out and prepare these threats, adding Steelix, Florges, Guzzlord, Umbreon, or Lapras to your team. You also have the option to use a shadow Grumpig, but it won’t have the same defenses, which could lose its appeal based on how you use your team.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Grumpig | Psychic type | Attack: 146 Defense: 169 Health: 170 |
Psywave (fast move), Dynamic Punch, and Shadow Ball |
Like Grumpig, Lapras has new attacks for the Might and Mastery season, giving you even more reasons to add it to your team. Lapras has always been a great choice to most teams for the Great League, and that’s reflected even more in the Ultra League. Because of its stats, though, I recommend having it as your final choice and reserving it as your last Pokémon. Few Pokémon can outlast Lapras due to its diverse moveset and how much health it has.
As a Water and Ice type, Lapras is weak against Electric, Fighting, Grass, and Rock-type moves. There are a handful of Pokémon that have access to these attacks throughout the Ultra League, and you’ll want to team it up with Talonflame, Malamar, Mandibuzz, Virizon, Primeape, or Skeledirge in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Lapras | Water and Ice type | Attack: 134 Defense: 147 Health: 232 |
Psywave (fast move), Sparkling Aria, and Ice Beam |
For those who want an aggressive Pokémon on their Ultra League team, look no further than Primeape. As a Fighting-type Pokémon, laying down damage is the core reason you want to add this Pokémon to your team. It does plenty of damage, and its Fighting-type moves can make short work of many top-tier Pokémon in this competition.
The downside to Primeape is also its greatest asset: It’s a great attacker. Because it has such a high attack power, it has a significantly lower defense, which means you want to use this as your second Pokémon, switching it out when your first Pokémon is being countered or you want to lay down damage against an opponent. You must be careful when attacking Primeape on your team, as cautious swapping is required.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Primeape | Fighting type | Attack: 182 Defense: 125 Health 148 |
Karate Chop (fast move), Close Combat, and Rage Fist |
The first and last Legendary Pokémon featured on this list is Registeel, and great Pokémon if you need a defensive choice. What makes Registeel fantastic is how much defense power it has along with being a Steel type. As a Steel type, it has few weaknesses, meaning your opponent only has a few options to do any real damage to this Pokémon, increasing your chances of winning at the end of a match.
The problem with relying on Registeel’s high defense is its low attack power. It won’t do too much damage outside of its charged moves and does minor damage with its fast moves. Because of this, you’ll be forced to use this as your final Pokémon, relying on your first two choices to do most of the damage for these Pokémon Go battles.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Registeel | Steel type | Attack: 122 Defense: 242 Health: 171 |
Lock On (fast move), Focus Blast, and Zap Cannon |
If you need a Ghost-type Pokémon to use against Primeape, Giratina, Grumpig, or Clefable, Runerigus is a good choice. It’s a Ghost and Ground-type Pokémon, capable of being a flexible choice on any team. You can use it as your first or last Pokémon, capable of putting heavy pressure on any team, giving its high defense and its diverse moveset.
What makes Runerigus suitable is its flexibility, but that means your other choices have to be solid to help carry it through to victory. It’s a team player around an already reliable team. You’ll want to use it alongside other capable choices, such as Corviknight, Cradily, Registeel, Grumpig, Galarian Weezing, Tenacruel, or Coblaion in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Runerigus | Ghost and Ground type | Attack: 146 Defense: 209 Health: 138 |
Shadow Claw (fast move), Rock Tomb, and Shadow Ball |
The final Pokémon on this list is Steelix, a fantastic choice to reserve as your final Pokémon against an opponent. As a Steel-type Pokémon, it’s difficult for a foe to counter it, and even if they can do normal damage against it, its defenses make it exceptionally tough to defeat in the Ultra League. Unlike the Great League, Steelix has significantly higher stats.
The downside to Steelix is it has low shield pressure because of its moveset. You’re better off waiting until your opponent has used all their shields before using a Steelix. You’ll have to rely on creating a team of Pokémon with decent fast moves and low charged attacks to draw out these shields early, clearing the path for Steelix at the end of a fight in Pokémon Go.
Pokémon | Typing | All Stats | Best Moveset |
Steelix | Ground and Steel type | Attack: 127 Defense: 237 Health: 162 |
Thunder Fang (fast move), Breaking Swipe, and Psychic Fangs |
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