
Here’s how you can slide in FragPunk.

FragPunk combines mechanics from both arcade shooters like Call of Duty and methodical, tactical FPS titles like VALORANT and CS2.

As such a mishmash of various genres, it has peculiar mechanics despite its Counter-Strike-esque core. This includes sliding, which can give you an advantage against your foes. Here’s how you can slide in FragPunk and one-up your enemies with that extra mobility.

How to use slide in FragPunk

Sliding is a powerful mechanic in FragPunk, but it’s unfortunately locked behind certain conditions. During a normal match only Axon can slide and even that is only if he has the guitar equipped. For others to slide, the Frozen Wasteland Shard Card needs to be active during a round. If those conditions are met, you can slide by holding Shift to run and then press CTRL (or any other crouch button you have assigned).

This will send you flying forward for quite the distance and is actually pretty useful if you can use it. Sliding works up flights of stairs but is a tad slower than going over flat or declined terrain. You can also jump while sprinting and press CTRL on your way down, which leads to the same slide without any velocity loss.

Should you slide in FragPunk?

Compared to games like Call of Duty where sliding is the name of the game and provides players with an exceptional advantage when used at the right place and time, it’s a tad different in FragPunk. Other than requiring certain conditions to be met to even be usable, sliding in a game modeled after CS2 and VALORANT isn’t all too impactful. Good jiggle-peeking, strafing, and other mechanical movements are crucial for a game like this and sliding is just an additional way of traversal.

With certain lancers like Zephyr or Corona who could always benefit from having quicker movement, you should always consider using the slide. Axon, the only lancer who could slide by default, should also make the most of it when he can, and you should consider using the slide with him to reach chokepoints quickly or peek out with that lethal guitar of yours.

In any case, sliding can be a useful mechanic. But don’t overuse it or use it instead of proper tac-shooter movements like strafing.

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