
The Blessed Song is the latest enchant to come in Fisch, and you can’t obtain it by using the regular enchant relics or the new exalted because you need to complete a particular quest.

Roblox’s Fisch comes with multiple quests with their updates, and they are usually filled with free rewards for the players who complete them. The latest one brings a new NPC in the game, giving you access to Blessed Song enchant, the only one of its kind that can be obtained by completing a quest.

How to get the Blessed Song enchant in Fisch, explained 

To get the Blessed Song enchant in Fisch, go to Moosewood and interact with a new NPC named Captain Ahab, a clear nod to Moby Dick. He stands next to the island’s Shipwright NPC. Once you interact with him, he tells you to find and catch the Moby fish, a secret rarity target with a five percent chance of spawning during whale migrations.

You need to use the Squid bait in the Summer season to have the highest odds of hooking the Moby fish and fighting against the 95 percent progress penalty. While using fishing rods with high resistance, you can also use an Aurora Totem to enhance your luck and try to capture it. Playing on an empty private server will make this easier, as other players won’t compete with you to get the big fish. 

After giving him the Moby fish, Captain Ahab will be thrilled and give you the Song of the Deep enchant relic in return. Just like regular relics, it can only be used on the Statue of Sovereignty island, where you need to use the lift to reach the Keeper’s Altar.

Choose the fishing rod on which you want the Blessed Song and equip it. Now, here comes the kicker: The Song of the Deep relic only has a 20 percent chance of adding the Blessed Song enchant on your fishing rod, and it will take away any existing ones on your fishing rod. So only use it on new fishing rods, as you won’t have anything to lose. 

The Blessed Song enchant gives you 50 percent progress speed on your rod. You can use it on the rods from Atlantis like Tempest or Abyssal Specter, which already have high resistance stats and will be great for making money quickly for the updates. Unfortunately, the buff doesn’t work on Scylla in Mariana’s Veil, so you need to use the new fishing rods that are made particularly for these fish. 

Next up, you can read our guides to know about the five Rods in the Mariana Veil update and all Exalted Relic Enchants in Fisch

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