Keeping up with the metagame is a must to climb the League of Legends ranked ladder. While keeping tabs on the best champions in the game is crucial, looking out for the worst is also important.
Knowing the worst-performing champions in League can be a double-edged sword. You’ll likely build a better champion pool by avoiding the underperformers, but it could also make you lose focus when someone on your team picks them.
Having a low win rate doesn’t specifically mean a champion is unplayable in League. They may simply be challenging mechanically, which has happened numerous times in recent months. Here are the five worst champions in the game by their win rates in their usual roles according to U.GG.
Kalista’s win rate on League Patch 25.05: 47.24 percent
Kalista is one of the oldest ADCs in League of Legends and one that saw very few changes since her initial release back in Season 4. She was last touched-up by Riot in Patch 14.13 and even then it was insignificant, leaving this age-old ADC to rot amid the onslaught of quick, lethal, and unpredictable champions, most of whom are precisely ADCs themselves.
Her overall inability to combat these new champions or perform under the ever-changing conditions of neo League and its map has pushed Kalista down quite a bit, leaving her at a 47.24 percent win rate and a measly 1.8 percent pick rate overall. Nearly no one plays her and when they do, they usually lose, so hopefully Riot is keeping its ear to the ground and figures out a way to bring this classic ADC back into the fray.
Skarner’s win rate on League Patch 25.05: 43.3 percent
Though he received a major rework that was supposed to turn his aging self into a new and improved champion, Skarner continues to struggle in the jungle and other roles. With almost no one picking him in the role at 1.1 percent overall, Skarner is one of the worst junglers in Patch 25.05.
Skarner performs particularly horribly against champions like Darius, who has been dominating the jungle space for a while, which could be a major contributing factor to his overall low stats. Several nerfs that curbed his strengths also played a part.
With so many champions out there able to outmanoeuvre, outfarm, and outgank a weary Skarner, few redeeming qualities remain for this champion despite all the effort Riot put in to make him viable once again.
Smolder’s win rate on League Patch 25.05: 44.52 percent
Patch 25.05 hasn’t been all too kind to Smolder either, with his becoming the worst-performing top laner. While not usually a top lane champion, players have opted to play Smolder as a classic on-hit top lane champion similar to many other marksman-top hybrids. However, the results haven’t been all too great, and the champion sits at the bottom of the pile, though he does fare better in some other positions.
He is just a tad above K’Sante, who remains the worst-performing traditional top laner in Patch 25.05 with a measly 45.15 percent win rate overall. Though Smolder is worse, his pick rate is also smaller in the role, which makes sense given how badly he fares in this role.
Miss Fortune’s win rate on League Patch 25.05: 43.78 percent
Support Miss Fortune, a trend that has been around for quite some time, continues to tumble down deeper and deeper into the low win rate trenches with just 43.78 percent of matches ending favorably for her. While AP-oriented MF Support can be a viable pick in certain situations it has been overshadowed by numerous other new and better build paths and champions and has simply lost its charm.
She continues to see a massive ban rate, however, with 10 percent of lobbies blocking the champion from getting picked, indicating that players still do dread and fear the champion’s appearance be it as a support or ADC. Still, it appears that support Miss Fortune is dead, and won’t be missed.
Ezreal’s win rate on League Patch 25.05: 45.23 percent
Ezreal has performed horribly in the mid lane for at leas five patches in a row, or the entirety of S25. While the champion did not receive any significant changes over this period it appears that he simply does not fare all too well against dominant, more traditional mid laners like Malzahar and Yasuo, both of whom can zone Ezreal pretty well what with the former’s wave-clear and the latter’s Wind Wall.
The champion doesn’t do very good in the bot lane, either, which is his traditional spot, sporting a win rate a tad over 48 percent. The once-dominant ADC-AP hybrid is now not in a great position and it’s been many patches since he got some actual attention from Riot, and he is in dire need of it.
Honorable mention: Mel
Mel is the latest addition to the League of Legends roster and already one of the most unpopular, at least in terms of how players see her. The champion has been named as a “mage for babies” and sees a staggering 49.4 percent ban rate across all ranks, making her one of the least desirable champions in the entirety of League of Legends.
Since launching at the start of Season 2025, Mel has been underperforming overall with a 47.72 percent win rate in the mid lane, her primary role. The numbers do not favor her even when other roles are viewed, which is particularly concerning given how few players pick her outside of mid. And it doesn’t seem to be tied to skill, as the higher the rank, the worse Mel’s performance becomes.
With that in mind it becomes strange as to just how Mel has earned herself a reputation of being an oppressive, easy, and toxic mid lane mage who can dominate others without breaking a sweat. She did see several adjustments, major and minor, over the course of S25, which is probably why her win rates have gone down, despite some of these adjustments buffing her abilities a bit.
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