
One of the best parts about Fortnite is the vast collection of skins to choose from. These skins often include iconic characters from shows, movies, games, and more. One of the many collections you can choose from includes an array of Invincible skins.

Like many other skin collaborations, this collection has multiple waves, so you might be unsure which of your favorite characters have made it to Fortnite. Here are all of the Invincible skins in Fortnite and how to acquire each one.

All Invincible Skins in Fortnite

So far, there are five characters from Invincible you can add to your locker in Fortnite:

  • Invincible
  • Atom Eve
  • Omni-Man
  • Allen the Alien
  • Dupli-Kate

How to get Invincible in Fortnite

Invincible can be obtained from the item shop individually for 1,500 V-Bucks or as part of the Guardians of the Globe Bundle, including Atom Eve and Omni-Man for 2,800 V-Bucks. He’s not always in the shop, but he does return on a fairly regular basis.

The original Invincible style is the main look for this skin, but you also get an additional edit style for Mark when you purchase it. The additional look is called Invincible (Black & Blue) and is based on his updated suit featured in season three.

Invincible, otherwise known as Mark Grayson, is the protagonist of both the Invincible comics and animated series. His father is Omni-Man, also known as Nolan Grayson, and his mother is Debbie Grayson, so he’s half Viltrumite and half human. He’s got incredible super strength, speed, and stamina, plus the ability to fly.

How to get Atom Eve in Fortnite

Atom Eve can be bought from the item shop for 1,500 V-Bucks or obtained as a key part of the Guardians of the Globe Bundle for 2,800 V-Bucks. If you buy her through the bundle, you also get Invincible, Omni-Man, and an array of cosmetics to go with them.

Atom Eve, also known as Samantha Eve Wilkins, is one of the main characters in Invincible and one of the most powerful heroes in the series. Her unique abilities allow her to manipulate matter, project energy, fly, and so much more. Her powers are almost limitless, as she can do just about anything she can think of. She’s very close to Invincible, and the pair officially started dating in season three of the show.

How to get Omni-Man in Fortnite

Just like Invincible and Atom Eve, Omni-Man is available through the shop individually for 1,500 V-Bucks or as part of the Guardians of the Globe Bundle for 2,800 V-Bucks.

Omni-Man is a full Viltrumite warrior with incredible strength, flight, potent healing, decreased aging speed, and more. He’s one of the most complex characters in Invincible since he caused mass destruction at the end of season one in a huge fight with his son that ended with Mark nearly dying. He’s been on a bit of a journey since then, and there’s definitely still more to unfold with him in the season three finale and future seasons.

How to get Allen the Alien in Fortnite

You can get Allen the Alien from the item shop. He can be purchased individually, no Back Bling or other accessories included, for 1,500 V-Bucks, or as part of a bundle that includes an Emote, Back Bling, and Pickaxe for 2,000 V-Bucks.

Allen the Alien is a goofy and extremely powerful Unopan representing the Coalition of Planets in Invincible. His main goal is to find a warrior capable of standing up to the Viltrumites. After nearly dying early on in season two, Allen came back even stronger later on, with newfound abilities that allowed him to take on Viltrumites himself. His Fortnite Back Bling is his tracking device and says “Fortnate” on it as a reference to him mistakingly traveling to Earth instead of Urath in Invincible.

How to get Dupli-Kate in Fortnite

While all of the other Invincible skins are only available in the shop, Dupli-Kate is a free skin you can obtain by completing quests during a Spring Raid event. She’s the final reward in this event, so you have to work through all of the quests to add her to your collection.

The Spring Raid event runs from March 14 to 32 which gives you just about two weeks to earn her. You can work through this event by playing experiences made by Epic Games and experiences made by creators with friends. You must have at least one other player in your lobby to earn XP and progress through these quests. New quests open up every few days, but all of them are the same and task you with earning more XP in both types of experiences.

The text for the event also says the rewards may appear in the shop at a later date, so Dupli-Kate will likely eventually be purchasable in the shop if you miss out on getting her for free. Based on the prices of the other skins in this collaboration, she’ll probably cost 1,500 V-Bucks if she eventually gets added to the shop. Dupli-Kate’s Back Bling is a sort of bonus character from the show, including Shrinking Rae sitting in a Teen Team cup. This Back Bling can also be earned through the event or may be purchased through the shop at a later date.

Dupli-Kate was originally a member of the Teen Team but eventually moved to the Guardians of the Globe, the main superhero team featured in Invincible. As her name hints, she has the ability to create endless copies of herself. She’s also a bit stronger than the average human and highly trained in various types of hand-to-hand combat.

Will more Invincible skins be added to Fortnite?

As of the time of writing, no other leaked or rumored skins from Invincible are known to be arriving in Fortnite. This doesn’t mean it won’t happen, especially considering Fortnite and Invincible seem to enjoy taking every opportunity they can to collaborate as they did when a Fortnite cameo happened in season two of Invincible, but if more content is planned, it likely won’t be released for some time.

So far, the release of Invincible skins has lined up with when seasons of the show are airing, so if there are plans to implement more characters, they likely won’t arrive until season four. The next season is expected to debut in 2026, so it’s a while off.

As far as who else they could add, my No. 1 pick is Rex Splode. He’s got one of the best character arcs in the show, and as of season three, he’s more beloved than ever. It would also be really cool to pair him with the Shrinking Rae Back Bling as an homage to the relationship they formed in season three.

There are also plenty of other options like Cecil, Shrinking Rae, Oliver, Robot, Monster Girl, Angstrom Levy, Donald, Battle Beast, Debbie, and so many other key characters already in the show, with even more to come. There’s plenty of potential if both Fortnite and Invincible hope to add more, so if they do, we’ll add additional skins here.

If you’re looking for more powerful characters to add to your locker, you might try unlocking other hero skins, like those from DC Comics and Marvel.

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