
Making it out of the DEAD LETTER DEPT. with your humanity in check is a difficult task when a nefarious entity keeps reaching out through the cold embrace of your keyboard, but can you achieve an ending that spares you from becoming the next host?

With six possible endings and no clues given on how to get them, diving into DEAD LETTER DEPT. in the hopes of escaping this mysterious abyss with all endings and achievements unlocked can make you feel as powerless as our protagonist. So, here is our full endings guide to help you during your time working at the DEAD LETTER DEPT.

How to unlock all DEAD LETTER DEPT. endings

1) Possession

The default bad ending to DEAD LETTER DEPT. is determined by your typing skills. As you played through the entire game without an detours, sticking to the objectives and orders given to you, the protagonist must complete the final command of giving their body and soul to the Client. Much like signing a deal with the devil, you feel forced to type out what’s in front of you, the same task you’ve been completing since the very beginning. Completing this repeated sequence of words, the protagonist is consumed by the Client, becoming a Host, where their fingers become permanently bent and twisted, terrifying others around them.

2) Extinguished

This is the other default bad ending if you played through DEAD LETTER DEPT. The difference however, is by failing the final task. You need to purposely let the timer run out at the end of the game, ignoring the malicious entity’s want for your mind, body, and soul. Instead of giving yourself to the Client, your screen cracks, the game crashes, and the Extinguished ending appears when you keep relaunching DEAD LETTER DEPT. Who knows what happened to the protagonist, as your vision shows only an ominous red square. Perhaps it’s a fate best left unknown.

3) Sunshine

The good ending of a full playthrough, Sunshine is difficult to get if you don’t know what you’re looking for. You need to redirect two letters to your apartment. The address can be learned on the first session by looking at the letter near the sink on the kitchen counter. Write this down, as the address is always randomly generated. The goal then is to search for three specific letters that appear on the second and third sessions.

These letters you’re looking for are addressed to the Data Conversion Officer (or more specifically—you). Naturally, you will want to type this out and send it, thinking this is the correct thing to do, but you’re meant to redirect this to your home address via the Billing Address given on the letter inside your apartment. The first letter is covered in stripes, always spawning inside the second session, within the final queue between your shift ends. After redirecting this, reach the third session and find the letter at your apartment entrance.

Drop this off at the 4400 building on Dorchester Ave. This building is to the left of the apartment complex when you leave to head for work. You need to interact with the door and select Insert the Envelope into the mail slot.

The second letter typical spawns towards the start of the third session, where those strange stripes will appear once more, addressed to you. Send this to your apartment again and read it before starting session four (before heading to work). This will tell you to look out for a specific mark stamped onto the next letter, as it won’t be addressed to the Data Conversion Officer like the last two were. Make sure you drop this envelope off at the same building (4400) that you visited before starting session three.

The letter you need is always addressed to D ANIEL C ERRA ORPHEUS on session five.

Redirect the final letter from session five (at the end of the first queue) to you. Interact with it at the start of the final session (day six) to obtain the USB Drive. Play through the game like you usually would, but this time you should insert the USB when prompted to. When tasked to hand over your soul, you should instead use Ctrl + Delete to destroy mail, severing the Client form the Host, and rewarding you with the Sunshine ending.

4) Withdrawn

Play the game as normal until you reach the fourth session. Around the fifth queue you will get a torn letter where you must type only the right side of the paper. Inputting any part of this incorrectly will reset the text box. The computer will switch back on as the room around you is engulfed in darkness. Here, an eight-minute timer starts, indicating you have a short amount of time to complete all remaining queues for the session. But you need to fail this on purpose to get the ending, so let the timer run out.

Continue playing DEAD LETTER DEPT. until you reach the next session, searching for the next strange letter that causes another power outage. This one includes shifting letters that resemble a CAPTCHA. Once again, let this timer run out, leaving the game running in the background as the second step to achieving this ending. After failing this second timed section, the game crashes, forcing you back to desktop. Relaunching will show your protagonist now has cracked vision, as if we’ve become the broken computer screen. It is similar to the Possessed ending, as it’s clear the protagonist has been afflicted by the Client.

5) Fired

This is the easiest ending to get as you just need to send every letter with an address on it to your apartment in the first session. You can learn your apartment’s address by referring to the Billing Address written on the letter next to the kitchen sink. Redirect all letters to your apartment and go to the second session. You will receive notice that you’re sacked, giving you the Fired ending.

6) Bomb

For this ending, you must find the Fragile Parcel, which can appear in either your third or fourth shift as a Data Conversion Officer. While it seems innocent at first, it stands out for being a package rather than a letter, suspiciously covered in tape and eight stamps with a note reading “do not x-ray, tape inside.” The package is addressed to either the Chief Executive Manager or Operations Manager. Who the package is addressed to and what it says on it changes depending on whether you redirected letters addressed to the Data Corrections Officer on session three.

Instead of writing the address down, you must redirect it to your apartment. Just like other endings, you can find your Billing Address via the letter in your kitchen. This will always spawn here, but it’s best to learn it on your first day so you don’t need to look for it at the start of every shift.

Remember your address is randomly generated, so inputting what you used in a previous playthrough may not be valid here. Redirect the package, complete your shift, and reach the next day, finding the parcel at your front door. Interact and select YES – Open the package to get the sixth and final ending in DEAD LETTER DEPT.

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