
Here’s every single one we’ve found so far.

To make the most of Destiny 2’s Heresy quests, be ready to hunt down some Taken Osseous Fragments. These elusive items kick off the secret quest for the Barrow-Dyad Exotic SMG and are also essential to getting the most out of the weapon.

Taken Osseous Fragments are necessary to advance the Path of the Taken quest, which gives you the Barrow-Dyad Exotic SMG. Even if you already procured the new Exotic, though, the Dyadic Ascension quest also requires 18 Taken Osseous Fragments to complete it in full. This gives you access to all the required intrinsics for this SMG, and this batch of collectibles is scattered around the Nether.

If you obtained all 18 Taken Osseous Fragments for the Dyadic Ascension quest during Act One, your Dyadic Ascension quest will complete as soon as you grab the Moment of Clarity upgrade after reaching rank 12 in the Path of Resolve. You’ll get the fourth intrinsic upgrade for your trouble, plus the Wheel emblem from the Intrinsic Iteration triumph.

Taken Osseous Fragments are integral to the flow of Heresy. Here’s where you can find the ones you need. This guide covers all locations, but you can skip straight to the Dyadic Ascension quest if you’re just looking for the last ones.

Taken Osseous Fragments locations in Destiny 2

To start the Exotic quest for Barrow-Dyad, you must find and enter a Taken Blight in one of the Nether’s areas. This will lead you to the Blighted Cyst (the same area as the secret altar in the Shrieker hallway in the Mausoleum), where you can find a Hive glyph and a command telling you to go right.

Completing this preamble starts the Taken Path quest, sending you into a scavenger hunt across some different areas. Here’s where you can find them.

Where to find the Taken Osseous Fragments in Sorrow’s Harbor

The first Taken Osseous Fragments is inside the K1 Revelation Lost Sector in Sorrow’s Harbor, so don’t waste any time cave diving. Head inside the Lost Sector and look for a mini Taken Blight above a shield. Shoot it, then step on the plate that appears. Remember the symbol that appeared (we commonly see this one called “pizza”) and the direction the game told you to move (behind).

This spawns you in a Taken version of K1 Revelation. Progress through it normally, take down an Ogre boss called the Keeper of Power, and then look for the Fragment near the end of the Lost Sector.

Where to find the Taken Osseous Fragments in the Forgotten Shore

Like before, you must find a Taken Osseous Fragments in a designated area. And, like before, it’s in a Hive Lost Sector—in this case, Veles Labyrinth in the Cosmodrome’s Forgotten Shore. This one is a bit trickier than its predecessor.

Enter the Veles Labyrinth and look for a mini Blight in the tunnels before the Lost Sector itself. Trigger it to perform another plate puzzle, but this one has multiple directions based on the previous instructions. Here’s a quick guide on what directions are tied to each symbol.

Complete this to start a Taken version of the Veles Lost Sector, beginning from the end of the regular layout. Kill the enemy in the open area, then go into the tunnel that opens as if you were trying to exit the normal Lost Sector. From there, sneak past a Taken barrier to find more enemies, including a Power Keeper, and grab the Taken Osseous Fragments from a nearby ledge.

Completing this step gives you three mini-quests that splinter off into different zones. Both require you to complete an objective in the Sol System, followed by one in the Nether activity.

How to break the curses: Endurance, Urgency, and Revenge

The principle behind the curse sidequests is the same: borrow a Taken Relic, wreak havoc, and return it once you’ve absorbed enough power. Here’s the first part of each quest.

  • Endurance (Altars of Sorrow, Moon): Grab the relic from the plate with the final altar, kill enemies, and dunk it back where you got it.
  • Urgency (Hallowed Grove, EDZ): Reach the end of the Lost Sector with the relic.
  • Revenge (Nightmare Hunt: Pride, Moon): Grab this relic in the boss room with the Nightmare of Skolas and use it to defeat him.

After finding the Taken Osseous Fragments here, it’s time to head to the Nether and clear some more enemies. Each curse corresponds to a starting zone in the Dreadnaught.

Taken Osseous Fragments in the The Taken Path quest (The Nether)

For The Taken Path, you must find four Taken Osseous Fragments. Find one in each starting area in the Nether to kick off the search for the last one—and unlock this season’s Exotic mission.

  • Endurance (The Trenchway): The ritual altar is close to a passageway between the spawn area and the trenches. Look to your right if you’re coming from the spawn.
  • Urgency (Hall of Souls): In a ritual altar just to the right of the spawn area.
  • Revenge (Mausoleum): From the spawn area, drop down to the right and look for the ritual altar near the Hive spawns for the “the enemies are moving against each other” event, just across from you.

The last Taken Osseous Fragment you need to wrap up the Taken Path quest is inside the Exotic mission Derealize. You can’t miss it, though: it’s a mandatory part of the mission itself.

Clearing the Derealize mission gives you an unnamed item that precedes the Dyadic Ascension quest. Hand it in at the Shaping Slab, and… you guessed it: there are more Osseous Taken Fragments for you to find.

Where to find Osseous Taken Fragments for the Dyadic Ascension quest in Destiny 2

When we did the Dyadic Ascension quest, our Nether run took us to the Hall of Souls and the Trenchway, though we could also find them in the Mausoleum. Here are the locations for these areas. The Osseous Taken Fragments appear on your radar, just like collectibles, so keep your eye there in case you’re lost.

Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragments

  1. Above a column glued to the spawn area, on the right.
  2. From the spawn area, enter the encounter room to the right, then go up the stairs to your left. The Fragment is just ahead, near the rocks.
  3. Cross through the encounter area for the second Taken Osseous Fragment, then look for a glow in the hallway leading to the Tormentor encounter room. Alternatively, stand by the pillar in the back of the room, facing the arch, and take the first door to your left.
  4. From the Tormentor encounter room, head to the boss area in the Hall of Souls and look to your right. You’ll spot the Ravenous’ spawn point and a glowing Fragment below it.
  5. Just across the Ravenous spawn.
  6. Head to the arch in the center and look to your left to spot this Fragment on a ledge near the exit, below the Ravenous’ final destination.

Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragments

  1. From the Trenchway spawn, look down a ledge to your right to find this one near a cave blocked by Taken energy.
  2. Head to the far left side of the spawn area to spot a Taken Osseous Fragment by a hole in the wall.
  3. Look on a ledge near a column to find one more.
  4. Head outside through the center and look to the ledge above you, where the Dread snipers usually hang out.
  5. Look across from you to find another Taken Osseous Fragment on a ledge behind the Ravenous Worm collectible. Get to the left side of the area, call up your Ghost, and use the walkways it reveals to get there.
  6. In the altar with the Ascendant Ogre spawn behind a rock.

Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragments

  1. From the spawn, jump over the rocks and look to the right to find this Taken Osseous Fragment hidden in a nook.
  2. From there, jump across the rocks and look for the second Fragment on the crystallized rock.
  3. Head to the boss room, where the chest spawns, and face the rest of the Mausoleum. Look behind a rock on your left to find this.
  4. Find the area with the three braziers where you can summon Vorok, Excise Eternal, just to the front-right of the spawn. This one is behind the corner, on a wall.
  5. From the spawn, go to the right side of the area and look for another Taken Osseous Fragment hidden behind a tentacle, close to where the “capture the plates” objective takes place.
  6. On top of a pillar at the far end of the room, where the crystal objective spawns. This is all the way across from the boss room.

The Dyadic Ascension quest was time-gated in the first act since it required the Moment of Clarity upgrade, available at level 12 in the Path of Resolve (which capped its levels at 10). With the release of Act Two, however, the time-gate is no longer present. The final step of this quest requires you to find more Taken Osseous Fragments, so if you got all of them the first time around, you won’t need to do it again.

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