
Once you complete a match in Marvel Rivals, win or lose, you’ll notice two special icons beside one player on each team: MVP and SVP.

While MVP is an obvious abbreviation for “Most Valuable Player” and is awarded to the player on the winning team who was the best player of the match, SVP on the losing team seems to confuse some players in the community.

Silly Valuable Player? Saltiest Vulnerable Player? Silly Little Pal? It’s a lot simpler than that, actually, and it’s something that’s kind of important to know about moving forward in your Marvel Rivals Competitive Play career.

So, what does it mean? Here are all the details you need on SVP.

Marvel Rivals SVP title, explained

To simplify matters, SVP in Marvel Rivals means “Second Valuable Player.” Basically, it’s a consolation prize that you were the best player on your team even though you lost. Congrats?

After each match, the SVP title is given to the player on the losing team who was that team’s most valuable player. Think of it as a silver medal or second-place ribbon for the best player on the losing team; it’s basically the ultimate consolation prize.

While the title doesn’t do much in Quick Match battles, earning SVP is valuable elsewhere. The SVP in the Competitive mode won’t lose you any ranked points, which is a big plus if you end up on a terrible team but still play well enough to get SVP rank. It’s a good way to encourage folks to try their hardest, even if they are about to lose, so at least they don’t lose anything but the match itself.

You won’t be able to go into ranked from the get-go, though, and you need to level up your account to unlock the mode. Still, it’s a nice feature to incentivize people to keep trying despite losing, although that most likely won’t completely prevent you from getting players who throw or grief on your team, unfortunately.

This likely won’t prevent your teams from throwing or giving up on a match, but it’s still vital information to know moving forward so you can spread the word in your matches, after telling them you got the information from Dot Esports, of course.

How to get MVP or SVP in Marvel Rivals

The SVP title, like MVP, is awarded for a host of reasons, but it basically goes to whoever performs the best on either team. Here are some of the factors to look out for that the game takes into account:

  • Your damage output
  • How many enemies you eliminated
  • How many assists you had
  • The amount of damage you blocked or healed, as a support
  • Having the fewest deaths on your team

All these come together to crown the SVP at the end of the match. So keep doing your best and maybe it’ll fall on you and prevent you from plummeting in rank if you end up with a quitter or poor players on your team.

In short, whether you get MVP or SVP, you can take solace in the fact that you did your best. MVP is obviously way sweeter because it comes with a win, but SVP is good incentive to play hard and play smart.

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