
The Guardian had to gather a series of odd items in Destiny 2, and now you have to harvest the flesh of Akka for the Rites of the Deep quest to advance the seasonal story in Heresy.

In the second act of Heresy, Eris Morn returned from her shockingly cozy throne world after her “death” in Act One. The Hive expert wants to bind the Echo of the Navigator to keep it from potentially siding with Savathûn, the Witch Queen and Oryx’s sister—and that’s why she needs you to harvest the flesh of Akka.

You can’t buy peeled organic dead Hive worm god meat at Walgreen’s (we tried), but finding this resource isn’t all that difficult. It’s not available in the normal ways in the Nether (completing encounters or opening chests), but it’s still easy to obtain. Here’s where to find this item in Destiny 2.

Where to harvest the Flesh of Akka for the Rites of the Deep quest in Destiny 2

You can get to the Flesh of Akka location by destroying specific parts of the Dreadnaught. We found this mainly on the Hall of Souls, and they look like the Hive spikes you must destroy to open objectives in multiple places. The first example we can think of is the Metamorphosis Lost Sector in Savathûn’s Throne World.

From the Hall of Souls, go to the arch in the middle and look ahead and to your left, close to where the Ravenous spawns. You’ll spot a few bits of Hive flesh coming out of the walls. Destroy them to automatically acquire the Peeled Flesh of Akka. You might be able to see them in the distance, but a quest marker will show up above them if you’re close enough.

Two of the necessary spots are close to each other, and there’s a third just below the entrance to a different area. All our attempts to load into this activity led us to the Hall of Souls, so you could reasonably just grab the resources you need from here, go to orbit, load back into the Nether: Explore, and repeat the process.

Once you’ve found the five pieces of the Flesh of Akka, Eris Morn will summon you to her throne world and you’ll get some dialogue with Deputy Commander Sloane (this time, with full audio). This segues into the tail end of the Rites of the Deep quest.

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