Undermine is the latest city to join World of Warcraft‘s sprawling map, and it’s packed to the brim with Rare mobs, promising difficult battles and mountains of sparkling loot.
Here, we’ve gathered how to find every Undermine Rare in The War Within, including where you can find these NPCs and any key abilities to watch out for during the fight. We’ve also included how to summon the Cartel Rares like Scrapchewer and Giovante.
How to get every Undermine Rare
Almost every Rare in this WoW guide counts towards the Adventurer of Undermine meta achievement. You only need to kill ten of them to grab this achievement, so we’ve specified which ones are easily soloable and which require a group.
Candy Stickemup
Candy Stickemup is a Goblin with a Rogue-type move set involving poisons, the ability to steal armor to boost damage taken, and nasty melee damage. She can be found underneath the stairs to the right of the Junkyard Junket race marker.
Killing Candy Stickemup counts towards the Adventurer of Undermine meta achievement, and she’s soloable, so this Rare is worth tracking down. We managed to solo her with our ilvl 605 Fire Mage by kiting her back and forwards through Meteor showers.
Chief Foreman Gutso
Chief Foreman Gutso is a mechanical Rare found in The Heaps, near the path towards the edge of the map.
This Rare has various attacks, including a physical attack with a stun, a rocket barrage, a stat boost, and the ability to summon Wildlife Removal Units. There’s a chance of looting the Bulletscar Barricade Shield or Rocket-Powered Shoulderguards Shoulder piece from this mob.
Court of Rats
Court of Rats refers to three separate Rares—Ratspit, Grime, and Grease. Only Ratspit will count toward the Adventurer of Undermine achievement.
These creatures can be found individually by hopping inside a sewer grate in the Hovel Hill area of Undermine, specifically in the backyard of an NPC house.
Ephemeral Agent Lathyd
Ephemeral Agent Lathyd can be found patrolling near a pool of slime to the west of The Vatworks. They have two Arcane attacks—one single-target and one AoE—along with an ability called Intangible Presence, which reduces damage taken and increases damage dealt briefly.
Flyboy Snooty
Flyboy Snooty is a Rare known as the Darkfuse Drone Master, who can be found near the Blackwater Marina. The spawn point is to the west of the water, close to the Demolition Dome and the Castaway Cove section of the map.
During this fight, Flyboy Snooty uses drones to attack the player, with abilities that can power up the flying weapons.
This Blackwater Marina beach Rare is a tameable creature, meaning Hunters can keep it as their pet. It even retains its name once captured.
During the fight, you’ll need to be mindful that there are two AoE attacks in Grimewick’s arsenal, along with a heavy melee attack. Don’t tag the Salty Snarler mobs behind Grimewick when pulling it, as they can make the fight somewhat trickier.
Nitro is an armored canine Rare found southeast of the Incontinental Hotel. This enemy uses a blend of Shadow and physical attacks, and it can also be tamed by Hunters, retaining its original name.
S.A.L. stands for Super Augmented Laborer, and he can be found to the southwest of the Demolition Dome, close to the road. He uses mines and lightning chains to fight, and it also has a self-healing ability worth keeping an eye on.
Scrapbeak is a flamingo Rare found in the Emerald Hills Golf Course area, on a hill south of the zone. It’s one of the easier Rares to solo if you have movement-enhancing abilities like a Mage’s Blink, provided you watch for its charge and its ability to lock you out of damage types.
Slugger the Smart
Slugger the Smart can be found to the northeast across the street from the Incontinental Hotel, in the Pleasant Hills area. This Rare favors both Shadow and physical damage, with the ability to restore health via Siphon Blood.
There’s a chance to pick up the Shadowfume Club weapon from this Rare, an ilvl 600 one-hand Mace.
Swigs Farsight
Swigs Farsight is a biker Goblin located to the northwest of the Incontinental Hotel. This Rare has a blend of Fire damage and physical attacks, with two single-target attacks and one AoE move.
The Junk-Wall
The Junk-Wall is a large mech Rare Elite that patrols the right-hand side of the Gallagio.
It has a blend of physical attacks and Nature damage, along with a staggeringly high health stat. It’s one of the trickiest Rares in Undermine, so it’s recommended that you tackle this fight with a group or at least bring a friend along to help.
Tally Doublespeak
Tally Doublespeak is the Chief Darkfuse Propagandist, who has two Propaganda Pushers accompanying her. She can be found patrolling in the eastern part of Hover Hill.
Due to the additional mobs and her ability to both stun enemies and boost allies, this can be a tricky Rare to solo. Defeating her is worth the effort as she can drop the Gossi-blin’s Baton Staff.
Thwack is the Darkfuse Debt Collector, and he can be found at Pleasant Heights, overlooking the Gallagio on the corner.
Thwack has an enrage, physical attack, and knock-back, meaning he can be somewhat tricky to deal with if you’re a melee class with lower-level gear.
V.V. Goosworth and Slimesby
This pair of Rares can be found on a street corner in The Vatworks, close to the southwest edge of the Undermine map. V.V. Goosworth is a Goblin with the ability to power up Slimesby, who is a giant slime in a hat with Nature damage-based abilities.
These Rares both count individually towards the Adventurer of Undermine achievement, so if this is one of your aims, head over to The Vatworks.
How to get every Cartel Rare in Undermine
Alongside the standard Rares in Undermine, several involve a summoning event or item and Cartel Renown levels. To access a Cartel Rare, a player who is aligned with the relevant group for the week and has Renown level six with the Cartels of Undermine must start the process.
Giovante is the Cartel Rare for the Steamwheedle Cartel. To summon this Rare Elite and have a chance at the Flame Sputterer Gun, a Steamwheedle Cartel player must head to the south of the Steamwheedle Laboratories in The Vatworks and speak to the Noggenfogger Recall Technician.
The summoning event features a progress bar, which players must fill up by throwing barrels at enemies and rescuing customers.
M.A.G.N.O. is the Bilgewater Cartel Rare, and it can be found at the very top of the Scrapshop Building in Bilgewater Flats. A Bilgewater player must speak to Ragzy Cashgrab to start the summoning process, tasking a group with filling up a progress bar by killing mobs or interacting with scrap metal items.
Scrapchewer can be found in the center of The Heaps, and it is the Venture Company Cartel Rare. A Venture Company player must speak to Scrapminer Kazzik to start the summoning, which revolves around powering up a drill.
This Rare has been reported to be somewhat buggy by players online. Forum posts indicate that some players are currently unable to interact with the drill at all, meaning they cannot participate in summoning Scrapchewer despite meeting the necessary prerequisites.
Voltstrike the Charged
To find Voltstrike the Charged—which spawns in Blackwater Marina—a Blackwater Cartel player must speak to Boatwright Frankle. At the time of writing, players are reporting that this Rare is buggy, with the issue being its summoning process.
The act of turning in the necessary items for the pre-fight event is seemingly bugged, with some players being unable to contribute to the generator power despite being the ones to start the event.
Once the mob has been summoned by another person, these players are usually able to fight the Rare and claim the rewards. If you find yourself in this situation, stay in the area and keep an eye out—chances are, you’ll still be able to join in with the fight after the event is completed.
Solutions for the Scrapchewer and Voltstrike bugs in WoW are currently unknown, but we will update this guide with any further information once it becomes available.
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