
Undermine is a vibrant city in World of Warcraft, overflowing with treasure, loot, and secrets just waiting to be picked up. If you’re an achievement hunter looking for a new task to sink your teeth into, Going Goblin Mode is a rewarding challenge to take on.

Below, we’ve listed how to complete Going Goblin Mode in The War Within quickly, including maps for every key location and how to finish every challenge that this achievement presents.

How to get the Going Goblin Mode achievement

Finishing Going Goblin Mode in WoW means completing six separate achievements in Undermine. The majority of these achievements are treasure-seeking challenges, meaning you’ll need to track down and interact with certain items throughout the city.

It’s well worth the effort, as the reward you’ll pick up for Going Goblin Mode is the Gallagio Grand Gallery Warband Campsite customization option, along with a significant chunk of Achievement Points.

This achievement is completely soloable. Some of the Rares listed under Adventurer of Undermine may require some assistance, depending on your gear and class, but you can feasibly complete the achievement as a solo player and still net some solid rewards.

Some of the items necessary for achievement completion, like Gallywix’s Notes, will not show up if you have not finished the majority of the Undermine campaign.

Adventurer of Undermine

To get Adventurer of Undermine, you need to kill ten of the Rares and Rare Elites from the list below in Undermine. If you’re playing solo, target the ten we’ve put in bold, as they either offer double credit or are easy to pick off individually:

  • Candy Stickemup
  • Chief Foreman Gutso
  • Darkfuse Precipitant
  • Ephemeral Agent Lathyd
  • Flyboy Snooty
  • Giovante
  • Grimewick
  • M.A.G.N.O.
  • Nitro
  • Ratspit
  • S.A.L.
  • Slimesby
  • Slugger the Smart
  • Scrapchewer
  • Scrap Beak
  • Swigs Farsight
  • Thwack
  • Tally Doublespeak
  • The Junk-Wall
  • Volstrike the Charged
  • V.V. Goosworth

Some of the Rares in the list fall into the category of Cartel Rare. You can find their locations and tips on how to beat them in our Undermine Rare guide.

Nine-Tenths of the Law

For Nine-Tenths of the Law, you need to find all five of Muff’s Auto-Lockers across Undermine, open them by solving a crossed-wires puzzle, and combine the contents to create the Gorrillion toy.

We’ve numbered the locations in an optimal route through the city, but you can pick them up in any order:

  1. Gorrillion Chasis, near Slam Central Station
  2. Gorrillion Batteries, near Blackwater Marina
  3. Gorrillion Engine, close to the Gallagio
  4. Gorrillion Grease, at the edge of the map in the Emerald Hills Golf Course zone
  5. Gorrillion Fork, near The Vatworks

Once you have all the Gorrillion parts, combine them to trigger a minor quest that’ll reward you with your second achievement for Going Goblin Mode.

That Can-Do Attitude

For That Can-Do Attitude, you need to find and kick Discarded Cans in Undermine 25 times. These items are found all across the zone, spawning on the roads and pathways as small objects that you can click on to boot.

The wording in the achievement is a little unclear, as you don’t need to find 25 individual cans. You can kick each can five times each, meaning you only need to find five cans in theory.

We’ve indicated every can location that we’ve come across on the map below to help you find the Discarded Can items quickly. Note that this map is not exhaustive, and you may find them elsewhere across Undermine.

The best places to check are near the Slam Central Station and around the streets by the Incontinental Hotel, as this is where we found the most spawn points.

Treasures of Undermine

For Treasures of Undermine, you need to find fifteen treasures across Undermine and add them to your collection.

Most of them are simple enough, requiring you to click on them to collect them, but a few are harder to find or require tangling with a few enemies.

We’ve listed these in an easy treasure-collecting route, but you can pick them up however you like:

  1. Unsupervised Takeout, in the barbecue area of Hovel Hill,
  2. Trick Deck of Cards, on the desk in the Incontinental Hotel
  3. Unexploded Fireworks, on the balcony of the building opposite the Gallagio in Tailgate Park, sticking out of the wall
  4. Abandoned Toolbox, on the roof of the Scrapshop
  5. Lonely Tub, on fire in the underpass, requires the nearby fire extinguisher to be used on it to become interactable
  6. Potent Potable, underneath the boardwalk
  7. Marooned Floatmingo, on the shore of Blackwater Marina
  8. Fireworks Hat, on the balcony of Venture Storage, then on the balcony across the street
  9. Uncracked Cold Ones, behind a food stall in Pleasant Heights
  10. Suspicious Book, heavily guarded and will move from a bookshelf on the first floor to one on the second, then up again to a desk on the top floor
  11. Papa’s Prized Putter, on top of the hill, behind the large moving light
  12. Exploded Plunger, behind the large machine on the hill
  13. Crumpled Schematics, found underneath the desk inside the garage
  14. Particularly Nice Lamp, on the table inside the garage
  15. Blackened Dice, a floor up from the Particularly Nice Lamp—turn the valve on the large pipe near the balcony/fire escape area to spawn the dice on the grate

This is the most time-consuming element of the achievement, so once you’ve picked up these treasures, you’re well on your way to having the new Campsite unlocked.

Read Between the Lines

To pick up Read Between the Lines, you need to find and read seven books in Khaz Algar. Two of them are in The Ringing Deeps, while the other five are in Undermine.

Head to the Gutterville Flight Point in The Ringing Deeps to start. The first book, the Rocket Drill Safety Manual can be found right next to the rocket that takes you to Undermine for the first time.

Then, fly to the very south of the map and follow the wall to the west, entering the cave in Sanity’s Rest. The second book, Extractor Drill X-78 Safety Guide, can be found at the back of the cave.

Head back to Undermine to get the remainder of the books—you can either catch the rocket from Gutterville, teleport from Dornogal, or Hearthstone over.

We’ve numbered the five remaining books in the order that we found them, but you can pick them up in any order:

  1. First Half of Noggenfogger’s Journal, inside a sewer grate in Bilgewater Flats
  2. Misplaced Work Order, on a crate
  3. Gallywix’s Notes, on a table inside a cave called The Hoardroom
  4. Second Half of Noggenfogger’s Journal, on a shelf inside a sewer grate
  5. A Threatening Letter, on a shelf inside Steamwheedle Laboratories

Some players have reported the Misplaced Work Order to be buggy, so you may need to relog if you’re having trouble picking it up. The achievement will pop automatically once you’ve interacted with the final book in the list, rewarding you with the Desk-in-a-Box Toy.

You’re My Friend Now

For You’re My Friend Now, you need to befriend five grabbable rats in Undermine. This means tracking down five individual rat critters—displayed below—and clicking on them.

You can grab these in any order, but we’ve listed them in an optimal route so you can speed through the achievement. Some are hard to see—we wouldn’t have found the first one without the Wowhead comment section—so take your time to scout around:

  1. On the second floor of the Undermine Visitor Center, on top of a trio of trash cans
  2. In-between the stands, sat on the corner of a giant trash bin
  3. Near the entrance of the Gallagio, behind a fake palm tree
  4. At the back of a small cave, guarded by an NPC named Fredward “Junkman” Gunch
  5. Inside the garage building, curled up on top of a railing

Adorably, the rats will briefly sit on your shoulder as you roam around Undermine, but there is sadly no permanent pet or cosmetic option to collect here.

Once you’ve collected the final rat, the achievement will pop—and if you’ve played through the guide in order, you will get the Going Goblin Mode meta-achievement, rewarding you with a brand new, Undermine-themed Campsite for your Warband.

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