
FragPunk‘s primary gimmick that sets it apart from others in the genre are the Shard Cards, a way for players to influence each match and change the rules.

Some Shard Cards are genuinely powerful, granting one side a ton of advantage over the other, whereas some are simply not that great. So, to ease your Shard Card selection a little, here are are our 10 best Shard Cards in FragPunk.

10 Best Shard Cards in FragPunk

10. Eye of the Reaper – Reveals enemies after Converter plant

The Eye of the Reaper is a solid choice for the attacking side that makes the after-plant much safer and easier to manage. Enemies standing in a large area around the Converter are exposed, allowing the attackers to see them even through solid materials. This gives little legroom to the defenders who wish to defuse the Converter and they’ll have to manage on raw aiming skills and gamesense to enter the plant site and win the round. This Shard Card is an absolute must-have.

9. Parting Flash – Explode and blind enemies upon dying

Though much simpler than the Eye of the Reaper, the Parting Flash Shard Card is nonetheless useful and effective. Taken on either the attacking or the defending side, it provides so much utility that you should always consider taking it. You can walk around a corner, die for the team, and blind the enemy side, allowing your allies to take them down without so much as breaking a sweat.

On the other hand, defenders can coordinate the use of this Card and strategically die during heated moments, such as when the enemies penetrate the plant site and are defusing the Converter. In truth, the Card is useless if you aren’t coordinating with allies, so make sure you only grab it if you have communicative teammates.

8. Regenerative Therapy – Recover HP when not in combat

Being a game based on the CS2 and VALORANT formulas, FragPunk doesn’t give you many options to regain health. Once shot, you’re pretty much damaged until the end of the round with seldom ways to heal. However, Regenerative Therapy provides you with precisely that, allowing you to regain lost HP over time when not in combat. Taking damage or attacking enemies stops the effect for a while, but it can restart if you disengage again.

It’s a great utility Card to provide your team with extra defense and should be taken primarily when you’re on the defending side. Attackers might find some use in it, too, as getting damaged during an early push won’t be as punishing.

7. Clone Tech – Players can pick the same Lancer simultaneously

This is a brutal Shard Card whose usefulness depends on the Lancers you and your teammate decide to take. If you’re going for several Brokers, for example, you can devastate the enemies with those nasty rocket launchers. Picking numerous Kismets would also be incredible, with all of you going invisible at the same time.

There are so many combinations of replicated Lancers you can make, and that’s why this Shard Card is one of our best.

6. Swift Support – Teleport to a teammate

This is probably one of the best things a first-person shooter could have, especially one modeled after CS2. In tough defensive situations where you and your teammate are spread out across the map on two differing bomb sites, having the ability to teleport to them is game-changing. The Card is also fantastic for attackers, though not as much. If you’re a defender and you see this card pop up, you’d be doing yourself a disservice not taking it.

5. Eagle Eyes – Enemies in line of sight are exposed

Enemies hiding behind smoke screens and abilities are a real nuisance in FragPunk. With this (very cheap!) Shard Card, you can completely mitigate their every attempt at hiding. This Shard Card should be taken if the enemies are using quick and hidden Lancers like Hollowpoint, Zephyr, and Kismet, who can use smokes and skills to cloak their presence and walk up without your ever realizing it.

Now, hear me out. This might not be the absolute best rule-changing Card out there, but it’s certainly one you should always consider as an attacker. The enemies are going to have trouble defending as is, constantly trying to predict where the Converter is. With this Card, you can split your team up and confuse the enemies heavily, preventing them from ever guessing where one of the two Converters actually is. Planting thus becomes much easier, and your odds of winning a round are drastically increased with this Card.

3. Dullahans – Your team’s heads are invulnerable

Headshots are the defining feature of any tactical shooter. One or two bullets to the dome, and it’s good night. But not when this Shard Card is equipped, as it makes one team’s heads completely invulnerable. The opposing team will have to rely on body shots, which do tremendously less damage in FragPunk, with headshots being the prime way of taking others down. If the team with Dullahans also grabs Big Heads, then their odds of winning are almost at 100 percent unless they’re really bad at the game.

2. Big Heads – Enemy heads are bigger

Speaking of Big Heads, it’s one of the best Shard Cards in the game. It makes the enemy team’s heads significantly larger, allowing you to wreck their HP with just a few bullets and somewhat decent aim. You can basically shoot in their general direction, and chances are that you will land a headshot or two and get a kill. It’s not even funny how much weaker the enemy team is when this Card is equipped, and it will likely get nerfed at some point.

1. Close Quarters Combat – All players use only melee weapons

While not the best of the best in terms of giving you an advantage over the enemies, the Close Quarters Combat Shard Card is just so fun. Everyone is given melee weapons and melee weapons only, whether it be a dagger or an axe, and has to knife the opposing side to death to win the round. This turns FragPunk into a knife round of a FACEIT CS2 match, and with FragPunk‘s exciting melee mechanics, it’s just too good and fun.

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