
These FragPunk crosshair codes are all you need to ace!

Your mechanical aim, supported by crosshairs, plays a crucial role in any tactical shooter—and FragPunk is no different. If you’re looking for the best FragPunk crosshair codes that are suitable for all Lancers, you’ve come to the right place.

Bad Guitar Studios’ FragPunk offers several crosshair customization features, letting you find and build one that suits your playstyle perfectly. You don’t just have to stick to the traditional plus or dot reticles. When you launch the game for the first time, it’s important you switch to the settings you’re comfortable in to perform at your actual skill level. If you’ve played similar tac shooters like VALORANT and CS:GO before and are used to a certain kind of crosshair for this genre, you’ll likely be able to recreate it in FragPunk too.

For those of you who aren’t sure what reticle to use, we’ve got a list of the top FragPunk crosshair codes below to help you get started. You can apply these codes to just the hip fire mode of your weapon, or both hip fire and sight modes.

Best crosshair codes to use in FragPunk

The OG plus crosshair

Code azazjfczadzadzaczaczabzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

Whether you’re a seasoned shooter game fan or a beginner, the basic plus crosshair is one of the best reticles you can use in FragPunk—or any other shooter game for that matter. It’s neither too big, nor too vague, so you can easily track your enemies without losing your focus. Feel free to tweak the length and width of the plus to suit your style better. If you’re new to the game, we recommend starting out with the plus crosshair while you get accustomed to the mechanics. 

The reliable dot crosshair

Code azbzfaczazazazazazazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

If you’re sure of your mechanics and want something that’s minimally distracting, the dot crosshair is your next best choice in FragPunk. Several veteran shooter players would vouch for the dot crosshair because of its reliability at all ranges—close, mid, and long—and headshot-friendly design. It’s fit for all weapon types and excellent for sniper rifles which requires you to use aim-down sight. 

The box crosshair

Code azczbjezazazaczaczabzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

Boost your headshot percentage with the box crosshair. It’s bigger than the minimal dot, so it’s perfect for those who have trouble aiming with small crosshairs but aren’t a fan of the plus reticles either.

The cross crosshair

Code azazjfczafzafzaezaezabzazaabzaafzfcbzaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

The cross or the “X” crosshair is great for those who are used to the plus crosshair but want to try something different for fun. And with FragPunk’s crosshair customization options, you can simply rotate your plus crosshair to get a cross—and switch back whenever you want. 

The triangle crosshair

Code azezaaabzazazazazazazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

I love the triangle crosshair for its minimal yet funky design. Personally speaking, it maximizes the satisfaction I get from hitting headshots on my enemies in FragPunk. If you’re tired of using the dot crosshair or simply want a small reticle that is more visible, the triangle is likely the one for you.

The compact plus crosshair

Code azdzaaabzazazazazazazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

If you want a smaller version of the plus crosshair in FragPunk, this one’s for you.

The dot plus crosshair

Code azbzazaczaczaczaczizazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

For those looking for a dot crosshair that looks like a plus, this one’s great for headshots as well as accurate tracking of your enemies.

The wide plus crosshair

Code azazfaczaezaezaczaczadzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

If you like fitting your enemy’s head into your crosshair before hitting the shot, the wide plus is the reticle for you. While it may be a bit too big and distracting for some players, if you struggle with tracking your enemies, this crosshair can give you accuracy bundled with satisfaction. 

The T crosshair

Code bzazfaczagzagzaezaezabzazaabzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

Like its name suggests, it’s a T-shaped crosshair, so technically, a variant of the plus crosshair. You can choose this if you’re looking for a reticle that’s less distracting than the plus, but not as minimal as the dot. 

The circle crosshair

Code azbzaaezazazazazazbzafbzaafzazaaabzazaczaczaczaczfcbzbzaabzaafzazaaabzFFFFFFzFFFFFF

Finally, the circle crosshair is just a bigger version of the dot. Pick this if you like the shape but struggle to aim accurately with the dot crosshair.

How to import crosshair codes in FragPunk

Instead of manually typing in values, you can easily copy a crosshair code and import it in FragPunk, saving you time and effort. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open game settings.
  2. Under General, scroll down to reach the crosshair section.
  3. Beside the Management option, select Import and enter the crosshair code you want to use in the game.
  4. Click on Confirm and then go back to the game. You should be able to use the crosshair you imported.

How to make or edit a crosshair in FragPunk

FragPunk offers a lot of ways to customize your crosshair. Here’s how you can edit your crosshair with the settings available in the game:

  1. Choose a color for your reticle.
  2. Add, remove, or edit crosshair vertical and horizontal length.
  3. Add, remove, or edit outlines.
  4. Add, remove, or edit crosshair outer lines. 
  5. Add, remove, or edit crosshair center dot.
  6. Rotate crosshair.
  7. Movement and firing error.

While we’ve listed the codes for the best crosshairs in FragPunk at the moment, it’s best to experiment and choose the one that suits you best. If you want to improve your aim and win rate, you must find a crosshair that lets you comfortably track your enemies and hit your shots accurately. Even if you copy a popular FragPunk crosshair code or that of your favorite streamer, don’t hesitate to use in-game settings to customize—especially the color and length—according to your comfort.

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