
With the Unova Tour behind us in Pokémon Go, it’s time to move on to the next season: Might and Mastery. Ahead of the major changes coming to the season is the first Timed Research ticket, and it’s a Power Up Ticket for March.

The Power Up Ticket is for those who want a boost leading up to the current season, with several rewards designed to give you a good amount of XP and Stardust of the month. For anyone who wants more ways to empower your Pokémon, or to become stronger, this is a good way to receive a small boost. We’ll be breaking down all the tasks and rewards you get for completing the March Power Up Ticket in Pokémon Go.

Should you get the Power Up Ticket: March in Pokémon Go?

The Power Up Ticket for March is an optional Timed Research you can choose to get in Pokémon Go. You do have to purchase it from the Pokémon Go in-game store, and it costs $5, or your local currency’s equivalent based on the conversion rate.

Based on these rewards, not too many players in the mobile game get a lot from purchasing this ticket. The main reward you get from completing each task revolves around the Premium battle passes. These are an exclusive item you can use to use to enter a raid or unlock the Premium rewards for the Battle League. Unless you’re regularly completing in-person raids with friends, or gearing up for a special event in a future Pokémon Go event with a must-have raid Pokémon, you won’t get too much for these rewards.

For anyone who regularly has a group who roll around completing in-person raids, this could prove to be a good Timed Research. There are four tasks for completing this ticket, and each one provides two Premium battle passes for eight when you reach the end. This could make it easier to participate in in-person raids, especially as they are only available for a limited time. Unfortunately, these are exclusively for in-person raids, and not Remote Raids.

This Power Up Ticket is only available through March and does disappear on the first day of April.

How to complete Power Up Ticket: March in Pokémon Go

These are all the tasks you have to complete while working through the Power Up Ticket: March Timed Research, and the rewards you receive in Pokémon Go.

Task 1

All Tasks All Rewards
Catch 50 Pokémon 5,000 XP
Explore 3 km 5,000 XP
Power up Pokémon 10 Times 5,000 XP
Earn 20,000 XP Two Fast TM

All task one completion rewards: 10,000 XP, two Premium battle passes, and a Lucky Egg

Task 2

All Tasks All Rewards
Evolve five Pokémon 5,000 Stardust
Complete 10 Field Research tasks 5,000 Stardust
Power Up Pokémon 10 Times 5,000 Stardust
Earn 20,000 Stardust Two Charged Times

All task two completion rewards: 10,000 Stardust, two Premium battle passes, and a Max Particle Pack

Task 3

All Tasks All Rewards
Win a Max Battle 5,000 XP
Hatch two eggs 5,000 XP
Power Up Pokémon 10 Times 5,000 XP
Earn 20,000 XP Three Golden Razz Berries

All task three completion rewards: 10,000 XP, two Premium Raid battle passes, and a Star Piece

Task 4

All Tasks All Rewards
Defeat three Team Rocket grunts 5,000 Stardust
Win a raid 5,000 Stardust
Power Up Pokémon 10 Times 5,000 Stardust
Earn 20,000 Stardust Three Silver Pinap Berries

All task four completion rewards: 10,000 Stardust, two Premium battle passes, and a Max Particle Pack

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