
Subclasses define your character in Baldur’s Gate 3, giving them access to a distinct playstyle and a trove of abilities they wouldn’t otherwise receive. For Patch 8, each class is getting a brand new subclass, unlocking a wealth of potential features for your character.

Once Patch 8 goes live, these subclasses will be available to all game owners. Like the other subclasses, you can select them when you reach the appropriate level for that class on your character. These are also available for your companions, adding more variety to your team as you carve through the main campaign. Here’s what you need to know about all subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3‘s Patch 8 and their many abilities.

All Patch 8 Baldur’s Gate 3 subclasses and abilities

There are 12 new subclasses in Patch 8, one for each class. These are the subclasses coming for each Baldur’s Gate 3 class.

  • Barbarian: Giant
  • Bard: College of Glamour
  • Cleric: Death Domain
  • Druid: Circle of the Stars
  • Fighter: Arcane Archer
  • Monk: Way of the Drunken Master
  • Paladin: Oath of the Crown
  • Ranger: Swarmkeeper
  • Rogue: Swashbuckler
  • Sorcerer: Shadow Magic
  • Warlock: Hexblade
  • Wizard: Bladesinging

You can pick these up when you reach a certain level. Here’s a full breakdown of those classes, what they get, and how those abilities work.

All Giant Barbarian abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

Unlock the power of the Giants as a Barbarian. Expect to deal additional damage while in your Rage when throwing enemies, kicking them, and generally being a creative fighter in any encounter.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Giant’s Rage: Enter a Rage and Increase in size. Your Rage damage bonus is doubled on Throw attacks.
Vaprak’s Greed: Your carrying capacity is increased by a quarter.
Thaumaturgy: Cast this cantrip at will
Level 5 Boot of the Giants: Try to kick your target away. Your chances depend on your Athletics, and are higher if you’re hidden or invisible.
Level 6 Elemental Cleaver: Channel primordial might into your weapon. Until the end of your Rage, your weapon deals additional Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage and receives the thrown property. When you throw this weapon, it immediately reappears in your hand.
Level 10 Mighty Impel: Throw a creature or object that is Medium-sized or smaller.

All College of Glamour Bard abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

For those who want to distract enemies in the middle of combat, take charge of a fight as the College of Glamour Bard. You’ll be charming foes that hit your allies and becoming a frustratingly supportive character, enhancing your allies to ensure they can keep fighting.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Mantle of Inspiration: Imbue two allies with your vigor and grant them five temporary hit points. If they are hit by a melee attack, the attacker receives the Charmed effect.
Level 6 Mantle of Majesty (Command): Command a creature to flee, move closer, freeze, drop to the ground, or let go of their weapon. A target that becomes charmed automatically fails their Saving Throw.
Mantle of Inspiration: You now give allies eight temporary hit points, and you can target three allies.
Level 10 Mantle of Inspiration: You now give allies 11 temporary hit points, and you can target four allies.

All Death Domain Cleric abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

A Cleric who prefers the dead to the living can channel the power of Death with the Death Domain. Unlock more necromantic spells and abilities, similar to a Fallen Paladin, only you don’t have to fall from grace to gain these spells and abilities. You won’t do as much healing—but you don’t need to heal if your foes are dead.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 1 Receive proficiency with Martial Weapons.
Reaper: Your Necromancy cantrips that only target one creature can target an additional creature.
Domain Spells: Bone Chill, False Life, and Ray of Sickness
Level 2 Channel Divinity (Touch of Death): When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can use your Channel Divinity charge to deal an extra 5 + 2 x (Cleric Level) Necrotic damage.
Level 3 Domain Spells: Blindness and Ray of Enfeeblement
Level 5 Domain Spells: Animate Dead and Vampiric Touch
Level 6 Inescapable Destruction: Spells you use now ignore any enemy resistances to Necrotic damage
Level 7 Domain Spells: Blight and Death Ward
Level 8 Divine Strike (Necrotic): Once per turn you deal 1d8 Necrotic damage in addition to your weapon’s damage when you make a melee attack.
Level 9 Domain Spells: Cloudkill and Contagion

All Circle of the Stars Druid abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

Rather than relying on the earth, the Circle of Stars Druid looks to the stars, becoming a jack of all trades. For anyone who wanted to be a supportive healer as a Druid, this is a great subclass to amplify your heals, or to deal additional damage, based on your situation.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 2 Unlock the Guidance cantrip
Starry Form: You can expend a Wild Shape Charge to take on a Starry Form rather than transforming into a beast.
Starry Form (Archer): As a bonus action while in this Starry Form, you can cast Luminous Arrow
Starry Form (Chalice): Whenever you cast a healing spell that consumes a spell slot, you can cast Chalice of Healing
Starry Form (Dragon): When you make a Saving Throw to maintain concentration on a spell, a roll result of nine or lower is considered a 10. As a Bonus Action while in this Starry Form, you can cast Dazzling Breath
Circle of the Stars Spells: Guiding Bolt and Star Map: Guiding Bolt (allows you to cast Guiding Bolt without using a spell slot)
Level 5 Star Map: You gain additional Star Map charge
Level 6 Cosmic Omen: Whenever you Long Rest, you consult the stars for a Cosmic Omen of Weal or Woe. The omen grants you the ability to increase (Weal) or decrease (Woe) Attack Rolls and Saving Throws, and to crease your allies’ Ability Checks
Cosmic Omen: Gain three charges for your Cosmic Omen ability, replenished by a Long Rest
Level 9 Star Map: You gain an additional Star Map charge
Cosmic Omen: Gain four charges of Cosmic Omen
Level 10 Twinkling Constellations: Your Starry Forms are improved. The Archer’s damage and the Chalice’s healing are each increased by 1d8. The Dragon gains the ability to hover and fly at a movement speed of 20 feet.

All Arcane Archer Fighter abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Arcane Archer is the Fighter who wanted to be a ranger, but they studied the art of magic to empower their arrows. Become a ranged Battle Master with a variety of unique arrows to change the tide of a battle.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Become proficient in Arcana and Nature
Gain the Cantrips: Guidance, Light, and True Strike
Gain four Arcane Arrows that you can use to fire Arcane Shots. These are replenished during Short and Long rests
Choose three Arcane Shots:
Bursting Arrow: Use Evocation magic to make your arrow explode on impact and deal an additional 2d6 Force damage to targets within 10 feet.
Enfeebling Arrow: Use Necromantic magic to deal an additional 2d6 Necrotic damage. Target must succeed on a saving throw or receive the Feeble effect.
Beguiling Arrow: Use Enchantment magic to deal an additional 2d6 Psychic damage. Target must succeed on a saving throw or become Charmed.
Banishing Arrow: Use Abjuration magic to potentially Banish your target for a short time.
Seeking Arrow: Use Divination magic to make your arrow seek a target. The arrow deals 1d6 Force damage and possibly applies the Faerie Fire effect. The arrow always hits
Grasping Arrow: Deal an additional 2d6 Poison damage. Affected entity’s movement to speed is reduced by 10 feet and it will take 2d6 Piercing damage when it moves.
Piercing Arrow: Use Transmutation magic to attack all those within the line of your shot. Each target must succeed a saving throw or be dealt an additional 1d6 Piercing damage.
Level 7 Curving Shot: When you miss with any magical ranged attack, use a Bonus Action to attack the next closest target with the same attack.
Magic Arrow: All of your ranged attacks are considered magical to overcome Resistance.
You now have five Arcane Arrows
You can choose an additional Arcane Shot
Level 10 You now have six Arcane Arrows
You can choose an additional Arcane Shot.

All Way of the Drunken Master Monk abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Way of the Drunken Master gives alcohol an added effect for Monks. You’ll need to have alcoholic items in your inventory and ready for battle, but your Drunken Master Monk can share those effects with enemies.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Cheeky Tipple: You are immune to negative effects of being drunk. Once per day, when you drink alcohol, you regain half your Ki Points.
Drunken Performance: You are now proficient in Performance.
Drunken Technique: Punch twice in quick succession and grant yourself an additional 10 feet movement and the benefits of Disengage.
Level 4 Intoxicating Strike: Hit a creature with your bare fists and possibly get them drunk.
Level 6 Leap to your Feet: When you are prone, standing up uses only five feet of your movement speed.
Redirect Attack: When a creature misses you with a melee attack, you can spend one Ki Point as a reaction to make them attack a new target if possible.
Level 7 Every time Intoxicating Strike hits, you receive Life of the Party, increasing your AC and Attack Rolls against drunk targets. This can stack.
Level 9 Sobering Realization: Hit a drunk target and sober them up by dealing bonus Psychic damage. One a successful hit, you lose Life of the Party.
Leve l11 Drunkards Luck: When you make an Ability Check, Attack Roll, or Saving Throw, while you have disadvantage, you can spend two Ki Points to negate the Disadvantage for a round.

All Oath of the Crown Paladin abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

The Oath of the Crown Paladin subclass gives you the chance to defend all allies, becoming a more robust tank capable of pulling enemies away from weaker allies. This Paladin can make it more difficult for enemies to land hits or focus on an ally.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 1 Oath of the Crown Tenets: You must follow the three Tenets, Law, Loyalty, and Responsibility
Law: Uphold Civilization and order
Loyalty: Your word is your bond.
Responsibility: Deal with the consequences of your actions.
Righteous Clarity: Target yourself or an ally to additional grant the target’s proficiency bonus to their Attack Rolls.
Level 3 Champion Challenge: Challenge the enemies around you , compelling them to attack only you. Any attacks that they make against other targets are at Disadvantage.
Turn the Tide: Shout Out and heal all other non-enemy creatures
Oath Spells: Command and Compelled Duel
Level 5 Oath Spells: Warding Bond and Spiritual Weapon
Level 7 Divine Allegiance: When an ally within five feet of you takes damage, you can use your Reaction to magically substitute your own health of your ally’s taking the damage instead of them.
Level 9 Oath Spells: Spirit Guardians and Crusader’s Mantle

All Swarmkeeper Ranger abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

Rangers who want to channel nature with their ranged attacks, the Swarmkeeper utilizes helpful allies to amplify their ranged attacks. You can use them aggressive, or have your minions teleport you away to a different location.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Prey’s Scent: Your swarm deals additional damage to creatures market by Hunter’s Mark
Gathered Swarm: Choose the swarm of nature spirits you’ve formed a bond with from Legion of Bees, Cloud of Jelly Fish, or a Flurry of Moths. You can swap these out when you level up.
Bees deal Piercing damage, push enemies away from you, or teleport you to a safer location
Jellyfish can deal Lightning damage, Shock your enemies, or teleport you to a safer location
Moths can deal Psychic damage, Blind your enemy, or teleport you to a safer location
Swarmkeeper Spells: Mage Hand and Faerie Fire
Level 5 Swarmkeeper Spells: Web
Level 7 Writhing Currents: You can cast Writhing Tide three times before your next Long Rest.
Writhing Tide allows you to condense part of your swarm into a mass that lifts you up. You gain a flying speed of 30 feet and become unaffected by surface effects.
Level 9 You can now use Writhing Tide four times.
Swarmkeeper Spells: Gaseous Form
Level 11 Mighty Swarm: Your swarm has grown stronger, and you can now make attacks with them using a 1d8. Their special attacks now have an additional feature, and whenever you teleport with your swarm, it increases your AC.

All Swashbuckler Rogue abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

For Rogues who want to remain close to their targets, the Swashbuckler makes it more difficult for enemies land an attack against them. It won’t deal as much damage as Assassin, but there are more ways to escape an encounter.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 3 Fancy Footwork: If you make a melee attack against a target, the target cannot make an Opportunity Attack against you for the rest of the turn.
Rakish Audacity: You have a plus two to your Initiative rolls. It scales with your Rogue level. You also do not need Advantage to trigger a Sneak Attack, as long as you are within five feet of the target, and you do not have Disadvantage.
Level 4 Dirty Tricks: You learn four Dirty Tricks you can use in combat. You get Flick o’ the Wrist, Sand Toss, and Vicious Mockery.
Flick o’ the Wrist allows you to flick your wrist and potentially disarm and opponent.
Sand Toss allows you to potentially Blind an enemy.
You can also choose to cast Vicious Mockery as a cantrip.
Level 9 Panache: Roll a Persuasion check to beguile a humanoid, who must contest it with an Insight check. Enemies who fail receive the Panache: Disadvantage, and others who fail receive the Charmed effect.

All Shadow Magic Sorcerer abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

When you want to stick to the shadows and surprise enemies, the Shadow Magic Sorcerer can unleash a variety of spells to make it difficult for enemies to focus on them or their allies.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 1 Eyes of the Dark: You can see in the dark up to 80 feet.
Strength of the Grave: When you reach 0 hit points you regain one instead of becoming Downed.
Level 3 Darkness: You can cast this as a level two spell at will
Eyes of the Dark: Darkness: You can cast this as a level two spell at will
*Level 6 Hound of the Ill Omen: Summon a creature of darkness.
level 11 Shadow Walk: Teleport into the shadows. The next spell you cast that turn will benefit from the Distant Spell without costing any Sorcery Points

All Hexblade Warlock abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

Similar to Bladesinging Wizard, this is a Warlock who wants to focus on channeling their patron’s power with their melee weapons. You’ll become a demonic version of a Paladin, but with less heavy armor.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 1 Hex Warrior: You become proficient in Medium Armor, Shields, and Martial Weapons. You also receive the Bind Hexed Weapon, allowing you to use your Charisma modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity when attacking with your weapons.
Bind Hexed Weapon: The weapon you use in your main hand becomes magical, you cannot drop or throw it, and you become Proficient with it if you are not already. When you attack with this weapon, there’s a chance you can apply Hexblade’s curse to a target.
Hexblade’s Curse: You curse the target. When you damage this target, apply your Proficiency bonus. The number you need to land a critical hit against this foe is reduced by one. If the target dies, you regain health points based on your Warlock level and your Charisma modifier.
Hexblade Spell List: Shield and Wrathful Smite
Level 3 Hexblade Spell List: Blur and Branding Smite
Level 5 You can now perform an extra Attack
Level 6 Accursed Spectre: Raise an Accursed Spectre from the soul of a fallen cursed target to fight by your side. The size of the fallen creature will determine whether you raise a Feeble Spectre, a Mundane Spectre, or a Primordial Spectre.
Level 7 Hexblade Spell list: Dominate Beast, Greater Invisibility, Phantasmal Killer, and Staggering Smite
Level 9 Hexblade Spell List: Banishing Smite and Cone of Cold
Level 10 Armor of Hexes: If a creature who is Cursed attacks you, you have the option to nullify an attack as a reaction. There’s a 50 percent chance of this effect working.

All Bladesinging Wizard abilities in Baldur’s Gate 3

When you want to play a Wizard who always wanted to become a Fighter, choose the Bladesinging subclass. You’ll become more melee-focused, with the capability to become a powerful tank.

Features Level All Unlocks
Level 2 Bladesong Power 2: You can cast Bladesong.
Bladesong: You add your Proficiency Bonus to your armor class and your Constitution saving throws, your movement increases by 10 feet, and you receive advantage in Acrobatic checks
Training in War and Song: You become proficient in Light Armor and the Performance skill check. You also become proficient in Daggers, Sickles, Shortswords, Rapiers, Scimitars, and Longswords.
Level 5 Bladesong Power 3: You unlock an additional charge of Bladesong
Level 6 You can now perform an extra Attack
Level 9 Bladesong Power 4: You unlock an additional charge of Bladesong
Level 10 Song of Defense: When you take damage during your Bladesong you can expend a spell slot to subtract five damage per spell slot level.

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