The new DRIVE mechanic in WoW The World Within left the entire community in awe for good and bad reasons. But it keeps getting even more ridiculous because now you can use a spell that could be a real game-changer—and it’s none other than Slow Fall.
A discussion started by a player on a March 4 Reddit thread shocked the WoW community, showcasing their discovery in the Undermine—flying cars.
Slow Fall is a unique Mage ability in WoW that slows down players’ falling speed. Players mostly use this spell effect to avoid fall damage and gain a significant advantage in covering long distances when jumping or falling.
Other abilities like Levitate from Priests or Demon Hunter’s Glide exist, but what makes Slow Fall unique is its new ability to make your very own G-99 Breakneck vehicle fly when you’re riding it—and players absolutely love this new mechanic.
“I’m telln ya boss, they somehow got the car flying! Imagine how much dough we could if we figured out how,” a player commented in WoW’s subreddit.
Given that a Goblin car replaced your dragonriding mount in the new Undermine zone, nothing seems to stop players from having a blast with this new update. While exploring the Undermine town and finding a way to make your G-99 Breakneck vehicle fly, the fun doesn’t end there for others.
“You can also use shaman water walking and probably DK water walking too. I like to drift on the surface of the lake in the north west cos of how silly it is,” another player commented.
Even though this can potentially be a bug, it’s making the DRIVE system even more interesting and engaging in the new Undermine patch. Considering you can’t use dragonriding in Undermine town, let’s just hope Blizzard lets something like this slide for once, because it’s all about having fun after all.
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