
If you want to look your quirkiest self in the popular survival-horror title, Content Warning, you’re probably looking for the best custom faces you can use to make your first impression. Don’t worry, as we’re here with a pretty long list.

When you load into a game of Content Warning, you wake up in a house with a huge TV screen which you can use to “type” your face. Whatever you enter in that text box—upto three characters—shows up on your character’s face. While you can type almost anything that’s possible using a keyboard, the best Content Warning faces usually represent an emotion—or send a message.

While the three-character limit may seem too restrictive, you can still be plenty creative when choosing a face. So, before you take up the Old World challenge in Content Warning, let’s find you a good look, shall we?

50 best custom faces to use in Content Warning

In the tables below, we’ve listed the best custom Content Warning faces we could find and their meanings. To make things easier, we’ve got different tables for the ones you can type directly from the keyboard and those you need the ASCII codes for.

20 best simple custom Content Warning faces

Face Meaning
^_^ Happy/joy face
>_> Suspicion/looking to the left face
O_O or 0_0 Shocked face
-_- or -.- Annoyed face
@_@ or @-@ Dizzy face
x_x Dead or knocked out face
O_o Confused or disoriented face
n_n Pleasure or contentment
UwU or uwu Cute face
OwO or =O Surprised face
$_$ or $-$ Greedy face
-_- Serious face
🙁 Sad face
😀 Big Smile
😉 Winky face
😛 Tongue out
:-/ Frowning face
>:( Angry face
:{ Mustache face
>:) Evil or Devil face

30 best hexadecimal custom Content Warning faces

Unlike the simple faces we listed above, these require you to follow a few slightly complex steps to get the symbols.

To type an ASCII character for your Content Warning face, follow these steps:

  1. Enable Numlock.
  2. Hold the Alt key and type the ASCII code of the character you want to get.

To type the hexadecimal string of a character or symbol for your Content Warning face, however, you need to tinker with some game files. Here’s what to do:

  1. Firstly, if it’s running, close Content Warning.
  2. Click on the Search bar beside the Start button and type “Registry Editor.” Open the tool that pops up.
  3. Using the directory displayed on the left side, expand the folders to reach HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWARELandfall GamesContent Warning.
  4. Now, right-click on the field that says “FaceText_h” and click on Modify.
  5. Here, in the left section, type the Hexadecimal string of the symbol or character you want.
  6. Click on OK to save.
  7. Join the lobby to see your updated Content Warning face.

Now that you know how to use ASCII or Hexadecimal symbols for your Content Warning faces, here are the best ones you can use.

Face Meaning Hexadecimal code
╥_╥ Crying face E2 95 A5 5F E2 95 A5
ù_ú Sad or annoyed face C3 BA 5F C3 BA
ă_ă Slightly confused face C4 83 5F C4 83
ả_ả Suspicious face E1 BA A3 5F E1 BA A3
♥ω♥ In love face E2 99 A5 CF 89 E2 99 A5
˘ ³˘ Kissing face CB 98 20 C2 B3 CB 98
▀ ¯ ▀ Sunglasses E2 96 80 20 C2 AF 20 E2 96 80
▼ᴥ▼ Dog face E2 96 BC E1 B4 A5 E2 96 BC 0A
 ̄ w ̄ Eating face EF BF A3 20 EF BD 97 EF BF A3 0A
¬з¬ Thinking face EF BF A2 D0 B7 EF BF A2
ಠ_ಠ Really??? face E0 B2 A0 5F E0 B2 A0
⊙▃⊙ Shocked face variant E2 8A 99 E2 96 83 E2 8A 99 00
Music E2 99 AB 00
¬_¬ Skeptical variant 2 EF BF A2 5F EF BF A2 00
╥ω╥ Crying face variant 2 E2 95 A5 CF 89 E2 95 A5 00
Smiley variant E3 82 B7 00
⚈∇⚈ Bird face E2 9A 88 E2 88 87 E2 9A 88
◉ᴗ◉ Smiley variant E2 97 89 E1 B4 97 E2 97 89
•⚇• Animal face E2 80 A2 E2 9A 87 E2 80 A2
•̀.̫•́ Mad cute face E2 80 A2 CC 80 2E CC AB E2 80 A2 CC 81
❀‿❀ Flower eyes face E2 9D 80 E2 80 BF E2 9D 80
Θ-Θ Goat face CE 98 2D CE 98
ô-ô Surprised face C3 B4 2D C3 B4
8=D Questionable smiley face 38 3D 44
•¤• Pig face E2 80 A2 C2 A4 E2 80 A2
Telephone E2 98 8F
◕_◕ Shady eyes E2 97 95 5F E2 97 95
⚠️ Warning sign E2 9A A0 EF B8 8F
Ò益Ó Complicated angry face C3 92 E7 9B 8A C3 93
≧ヮ≦ Funny face E2 89 A7 E3 83 AE E2 89 A6

How to make custom faces in Content Warning

If you’re proud of your creativity, you’ll be pleased to know that you aren’t restricted to the faces we’ve shared above. You can always craft your own. Simply note the hexadecimal string of the face you want to use and follow the steps we mentioned for the Registry Editor in the previous section to input it.

The table below contains some of the coolest symbols you can use to make your Content Warning face, with their hexadecimal string. 

Symbol Hexadecimal string
E2 97 89
E3 86 86
E2 96 BC
E2 99 A5
E2 9D 80
E2 80 A2
E2 96 80
E1 B4 A5
³ C2 B3
E2 97 87
🞮 F0 9F 9E AE
🟂 F0 9F 9F 82
ό CF 8C
🟌 F0 9F 9F 8C
🞠 F0 9F 9E A0
🟓 F0 9F 9F 93
E2 80 B4
E2 8C 99
E2 8C 92

You can discover more symbols from websites like Compart and Symbl. And if you’re looking for the hexadecimal code of a particular symbol, you can use this string-to-hexadecimal converter tool to find it: Just make sure you select the conversion units properly and choose ASCII/UTF-8 for Character Encoding.

Can you copy faces in Content Warning?

At the time of writing, the unmodded version of Content Warning doesn’t let you copy faces. You can download and set up a mod to unlock the copy feature, however. offers the popular MoreCustomization mod that lets you copy faces to the terminal directly, increase the character limit to 128, and change the face’s size.

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