With the return of another tour event in Pokémon Go, several habitats are appearing throughout the event with exclusive Pokémon. These habitats have a strict schedule, rotating throughout the event weekend, with a specific selection of Pokémon.
Similar to previous habitat rotations, these happen naturally. You don’t have to switch to a different area of your city or visit a set region. Instead, the wild rotations swap between the habitats and all you have to do is discover Pokémon as you walk around and explore your local area. Keeping track of these habitat schedules and the Pokémon featured can be difficult. We’ll be breaking down all habitat rotations, including the Pokémon featured in them for the Pokémon Go Tour Unova event, ensuring you know when your favorite Pokémon are spawning.
All Pokmon Go Tour Unova habitat rotiations
There are four different habitats available throughout the Unova Tour 2025 event. These habitats last for an hour, and appear twice throughout the event on March 1 and 2, from 10am to 6pm in your local time zone. These are the four unique habitats: the Winter Caverns, Spring Soirée, Summer Vacation, and Autumn Masquerade.
All Winter Caverns Pokémon spawns and schedule
The Winter Caverns focuses on many Water and Ice-type Pokémon, but you can also expect to encounter the rarer Axew, a Dragon-type. This is the first habitat that appears during the Unova Tour event, from 10am to 11am and then 2pm to 3pm in your local area. These are all the Pokémon you can expect to encounter. Each Pokémon on this list does have a chance to appear in their Shiny form.
- Axew
- Cryogonal
- Cubchoo
- Deerling (Winter)
- Drilbur
- Joltik
- Klink
- Minccino
- Oshawott
- Roggenrola
- Tirtouga
- Tynamo
- Vanillite
- Woobat
All Spring Soirée Pokémon spawns and schedule
The Spring Soirée focuses on many Grass and Bug-type Pokémon, but you can also expect to encounter the rarer Timburr, a notably difficult Fighting-type Pokémon to catch. This is the second habitat that appears during the Unova Tour event, from 11am to 12pm and then 3pm to 4pm in your local area. These are all the Pokémon you can expect to encounter. Each Pokémon on this list does have a chance to appear in their Shiny form.
- Alomomola
- Audino
- Cottonee
- Deerling (Spring)
- Ducklett
- Ferroseed
- Foongus
- Munna
- Pansage
- Petilil
- Sewaddle
- Snivy
- Timburr
- Venipede
All Summer Vacation Pokémon spawns and schedule
The Summer Vacation focuses on many Fire-type Pokémon, and those you’d encounter under the summer heat. You can also expect to encounter Rufflet, a rare Flying and Normal-type Pokémon that typically only shows up in raids. This is the third habitat that appears during the Unova Tour event, from 12pm to 1pm and then 4pm to 5pm in your local area. These are all the Pokémon you can expect to encounter. Each Pokémon on this list does have a chance to appear in their Shiny form.
- Archen
- Blitzle
- Darumaka
- Deerling (Summer)
- Dwebble
- Emolga
- Lillipup
- Pansear
- Pidove
- Rufflet
- Stunfisk
- Tepig
- Trubbish
- Tympole
All Autumn Masquerade Pokémon spawns and schedule
The Autumn Masquerade focuses on several Dark, Ghost, and Psychic-type Pokémon, and those you’d under the summer heat. You can also expect to encounter the Deino, a powerful Dragon-type Pokémon. This is the fourth and final habitat that appears during the Unova Tour event, from 1pm to 2pm and then 5pm to 6pm in your local area. These are all the Pokémon you can expect to encounter. Each Pokémon on this list does have a chance to appear in their Shiny form.
- Deerling (Autumn)
- Deino
- Elgyem
- Frillish
- Golett
- Gothita
- Litwick
- Panpour
- Patrat
- Purrloin
- Scraggy
- Solosis
- Yamask
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