An Exalted Adventure
Gain three 2-cost champions. If you 3-star two of them, gain an orb filled with loot. Gain a Lesser Champion Duplicator at the start of the next two stages.
Anger Issues
All items turn into Guinsoo’s Rageblades that grant 45 Armor and Magic Resist. Every 2 Rageblade stacks grant 1 percent AD and AP
Anima Squad Circlet
Gain an Anima Squad Emblem and a Yuumi.
Anima Squad Crown
Gain an Anima Squad Emblem, an Adaptive Helm, and an Illaoi.
Axiom Arc III
Units gain 15 Mana on kill. Gain a completed item Anvil.
Bastion Circlet
Gain a Bastion Emblem and a Galio.
Bastion Crown
Gain a Bastion Emblem, a Steadfast Heart, and an Illaoi.
Belt Overflow
Gain 5 Giant’s Belts. Your Giant’s Belts grant +60 bonus Health.
Binary Airdrop
Combat start: Up to four champions holding two items gain a recommended 3rd completed item.
Birthday Present
Gain a 2-star champion and one gold every level up. The champion’s cost tier is your level minus four (max: five-cost).
Blazing Soul II
Combat start: Your highest Attack Speed champion gains 35 Ability Power and 35 percent Attack Speed. Repeat on another ally every three seconds.
Blue Battery III
Gain a Blue Buff. Your units gain 15 Ability Power. After casting their Ability, gain 10 Mana.
BoomBots Crown
Gain a BoomBots Emblem, an Ionic Spark, and a Skarner.
Bronze For Life II
Gain 3.50 percent Damage Amp and one percent Durability for each Bronze-tier trait.
Bruiser Circlet
Gain a Bruiser Emblem and a Gragas.
Bruiser Crown
Gain a Bruiser Emblem, a Crownguard, and a Darius.
Build a Bud!
Gain a random 3-star 1-cost champion. Gain 10 gold.
Bulky Buddies III
Allies that start combat next to exactly one other ally gain 330 Health. When that champion dies, the other gains an 18 percent max Health Shield for 10 seconds.
Buried Treasures III
Gain a random item component at the start of the next six rounds (including this round).
Calculated Enhancement
Each combat, 4 random champions in your last two rows gain 40 percent Attack Damage and 50 Ability Power.
Call to Chaos
Gain a powerful and random reward.
Caretaker’s Chosen
Gain items as you level. Level 4: component anvil, Level 6: completed item anvil, Level 7: choose 1 of 5 Radiant items.
Chemtech Overdrive
Open three portals to Zaun on random hexes in the second row. Any unit that starts combat in a portal gains 250 Health and 30 percent Attack Speed, and drops one gold on death.
Gain a Tactician’s Crown. Tactician’s Crown, Shield, and Cape grant the holder an additional 25 percent Attack Speed, 25 percent Attack Damage, and 35 Ability Power.
Cruel Pact
Buying XP costs six player health instead of four gold. Heal three player health before each player combat.
Cursed Crown
+2 max team size, but take 100 percent more player damage when you lose.
Divinicorp Circlet
Gain a Divinicorp Emblem and a Senna.
Divinicorp Crown
Gain a Divinicorp Emblem, a Redemption, and a Rhaast.
For every surviving champion after winning a player combat, gain one gold. Gain 16 XP.
Double Trouble III
When you field exactly 2 copies of a champion, they both gain 35 percent Attack Damage and 35 Ability Power, Armor, and Magic Resist. When you 3-star, gain a 2-star copy.
Dynamo Circlet
Gain a Dynamo Emblem and an Elise.
Dynamo Crown
Gain a Dynamo Emblem, a Spear of Shojin, and a Jhin.
Endless Hordes
+3 maximum team size, but units can only hold one item and their total health is reduced by 20 percent. Gain two gold.
Expected Unexpectedness
Now and at the start of the next two stages, roll three dice. Gain rewards based on their total.
Final Polish
Gain a Support Anvil and a completed item anvil.
Final Reserves
The first time you would be eliminated, you live. Afterwards, gain 70 XP and set your gold to 90. Excess gold is converted to XP.
Gain one random emblem. At the start of every Stage, gain a random emblem. Your team gains 20 Health for each emblem.
Flurry of Blows
Gain a Zeke’s Herald. Champions buffed by Zeke’s also gain 45 percent Critical Strike Chance.
Future Sight II
You can see who you will fight next. Gain two Training Dummies, each equipped with a Zephyr or Shroud of Stillness.
Gargantuan Resolve
Gain a Titan’s Resolve and another after five player combats. Your Titan’s Resolves can continue stacking to 45 instead of 25. The total resist bonus is increased by 25 percent.
Greater Moonlight
Combat Start: A random 1-cost champion is upgraded to 4-star for that round and gains five percent AD and five AP.
Hall of Mirrors
Combat start: All champions in your front row become clones of the champion in the center of the row. Clones have 100 percent of their original health, and deal 20 percent less damage.
High End Shopping II
Champions appear in your Shop as if you were 1 level higher. Gain 3 gold.
Immoveable Object
Gain a Randuin’s Omen. Range increased by 1 hex and its effect is increased by 33 percent.
Level Up!
Extra two XP on XP purchases. Gain 12 immediately.
Lifelong Learning
Your units gain 1.50 percent health every round. If they survive combat, they gain an additional 2.50 AP and 2.50 percent AD.
Lucky Gloves+
Thief’s Gloves always give ideal items. Gain 3 Sparring Gloves.
Prismatic Ticket
On every shop reroll, get a 45 percent chance for a free reroll.
Radiant Relics
Choose 1 of 5 Radiant items. Gain a Magnetic Remover.
Roll The Dice
Gain a Rascal’s Gloves. This equips 2 random Radiant items every round.
Shopping Spree
Gain your level+1 shop refreshes on every level up. Gain 4 gold.
Spoils of War III
Enemies have a 45 percent chance to drop loot.
Tactician’s Kitchen
Gain a random Emblem. After six player combats, gain a Tactician’s Cape.
Think Fast
Free shop rerolls this round. Traits and augments do not benefit from these free Shops. Gain three gold.
Wise Spending
Gain three XP every shop reroll. Gain 1 gold.
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