
This is Powder’s patch to shine!

Teamfight Tactics Set 13 sees its final patch with the release of TFT 13.8. With the competitive season over, many fun changes are being made to give the set its last hurrah. If you’re excited to try out all the new changes, here’s everything in TFT Patch 13.8.

TFT Patch 13.8 notes

TFT Patch 13.8 will go live on March 19. It’s an important patch not just because it’s the final patch but also because TFT Set 14 will finally debut on the PBE. As for Set 13, Patch 13.8 adds a whole bunch of fun to the set, primarily featuring positive changes and buffs.

System changes

The system is being changed so now there are two different Anomaly rounds and you’ll start seeing 6-costs much more often in your games as you reach stage six.


  • On stage 5-5, a second Anomaly round appears in Normal, Ranked, and Double Up.
  • Champions can only have one Anomaly.
  • Infectious Anomaly has been disabled.

Six Costs

  • Increased odds of finding 6-cost units starting at level 6-1 by one percent (9-1 in Hyperroll).

Encounter changes

No Encounter is finally being removed and will not be returning in the next set. This leaves room to increase other appearance rates and is a major buff to Powder’s encounter.

No Encounter

Powder (Wind-up Money)

  • Increased from 8 percent to 12 percent.
  • Powder has perfected her monkeys. The monkey now always grants all three of the positive outcomes and never deals player damage.

Jinx (Scuttle Puddle)

  • Increased from 7.5 percent to 10 percent.

Ekko (Triple Prismatic)

  • Increased from five percent to six percent.

Ambessa (Scuttle Puddle)

  • Increased from 7.5 percent to 10 percent.

Sevika (Loot Subscription)

  • Increased from 7 percent to 7.5 percent.

Traits changes

All Traits are gaining buffs, except Pit Fighter ,which is being nerfed as they are getting an additional unit that we’ll discuss later. Academy gets one of the funniest new changes as they can now sometimes get all Thieves Gloves as sponsored items.


  • There is now a chance that all three Academy items will be Thieves Gloves.


  • Base damage increased from 150/400/1200 to 150/450/1337.

Black Rose

  • Sion attack damage per star level increased from 12 percent to 15 percent.


  • Base attack damage and ability power increased from 22/25/45 percent to 22/33/45 percent.


  • Nami bonus mana increased from two to three.


  • Health increased from 100/300/300 to 100/450/450.


  • Healing percent increased from 20/33/40 percent to 25/40/45 percent.

Form Swapper

  • (New) A 3-piece trait has been added, granting either 22 percent damage reduction or 33 percent damage amplification.

Pit Fighter

  • 8-piece true damage reduced from 45 percent to 35 percent.

Champion changes

It’s buffs all around for champions (except Smeech) in TFT Patch 13.8. The standout change is Sett the Rebel also receiving the Pit Fighter trait, making him one of the few units with three traits in this Set. Twitch also gains one AD “because he’s a rat,” according to Mortdog.

One costs


  • Damage reflect percent increased from 30 percent to 75 percent.


  • Mana changed from 40/120 to 0/90.

Two costs


  • Is now also a Pit Fighter.
  • Spell damage increased from 180/270/420 to 220/330/500.

Three costs


  • Attack speed increased from 0.7 to 0.75.


  • Health reduced from 800 to 777.

Four costs


  • Attack damage increased from 68 to 70.
  • Mana changed from 40/90 to 30/70.


  • Attack damage increased from 70 to 71.


  • Mana changed from 0/60 to 0/50.


  • Health increased from 1200 to 1277.
  • Increased jackpot chance.



  • Main cast damage increased from 160/600/9999 to 170/700/9999.

Augment changes

Since this is Powder’s patch, Powder’s Hero Augment has been re-enabled and buffed. With the new double Anomaly system, Another Anomaly has to be disabled.

Powder’s Hero Augment

  • Has been re-enabled.
  • Renamed to “This WILL Work.”
  • Blast radius increased from four to five hexes.
  • Damage increased from 350/500/700 to 420/550/735.

Another Anomaly

Anomaly changes

On the Anomaly side of things, we’re seeing one nerf to Share Your Energy but every other Anomaly on this list is an underperformer with a low pick-rate that’s being buffed.

Arcana Overwhelming

  • Magic Resistance to Ability Power conversion increased from 30 percent to 50 percent.

Avalanche of Armor

  • Bonus armor increased from 70 to 99.

Berserker Rage

  • Health threshold increased from 70 percent to 85 percent.

Defense Expert

  • Percent gained increased from 90 percent to 110 percent.

Eagle Eye

  • Attack Damage per second increased from six percent to nine percent.

Heavy Hitter

  • Cooldown reduced from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds.

Hunger for Power

  • Health and Attack Damage gained increased from 66 percent to 75 percent.

Into the Unknown

  • Attack Damage and Ability Power gained increased from 50 percent to 60 percent.

Laser Eyes

  • Ability power damage increased from 133 percent to 175 percent.

Share Your Energy

  • Share percent reduced from 15 percent to 12 percent.

Slime Time

  • Ability Power ratio increased from 160 percent to 200 percent.

Touch of Frost

  • Stun duration increased from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds.

That’s the quick rundown on TFT patch 13.8, which will be released on the live servers on March 19.

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