Fortnite continues to bring fresh challenges and content for players, with one of the latest additions in Chapter Six, season two being the introduction of Golden Llamas—but these pesky loot caches can be difficult to find.
Golden Llamas in Fortnite provide a bunch of loot when interacted with, which can turn the tide in any match, and a weekly quest tasks you with searching three Golden Llamas. Due to their rarity, however, it isn’t an easy task.
We’re here to help with all the details you need, including tips on how to complete this challenge quickly.
Where to find Golden Llamas in Fortnite
The bad news is there are no guaranteed spawn locations for Golden Llamas in Fortnite. Instead, the locations are randomized for the start of every game, so look high and low for these loot caches—I’ve found one on top of a building and another precariously perched on the side of a mountain.
To make things even more tricky, only three Golden Llamas will spawn per match. Given the sheer number of other players likely to be on the hunt, being the first to find and search a Golden Llama will not be easy.
There is, however, a quicker way to complete the challenge. When playing in a party with other players, progress in the quest is shared, so you don’t need to worry about beating your friends in a race when you spot a Golden Llama.
Due to this, you can split up to attempt to find Golden Llamas more quickly. It should be easier to find Golden Llamas if you split up—just be wary of being ambushed by another team while you’re on the hunt, as there’s nothing more painful than spotting a Golden Llama and being eliminated before you can claim the loot.
Don’t worry too much about this challenge though, as it remains available until the end of the current season. Rather than focusing on this challenge specifically, I recommend working through other quests and looting Golden Llamas as you find them.
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